Chapter 37 Useless

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Chapter 37




I knew something was wrong when I couldn’t find them. I looked up and down through the whole camp and no one had seen them. Frank and Hazel, Annabeth and Anastasia were nowhere to be found. Ugh, why is it that I’m never strong enough to stop them from doing stupid things. I’m so dang useless!

Jason touched my arm, “Hey, are you okay?” His touch left my arm tingling. I nodded, not finding words. We sat together in front of the Dining Pavilion, just sort of waiting. Waiting for them to show up, or for anything bad to happen. So we basically were alone. Emma was somewhere. Anastasia, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, and Percy, were somewhere too. Autumn and Leo were on a flying boat, and Nico and Gwen were in the Hades cabin, (I wondering what’s going on in there that would take so long). Nico had been a little off lately. Like he was confused or not sure about something. Probably a good thing, he was releasing less death around camp, and it probably meant Gwen was involved. They were like old childhood friends, or something, I sensed a aura of like friendship around them, but Gwen was more motherly than anything. She forced Nico to eat and they always ended up talking near the end of the day. She recently had told me that she really wanted to move into the Hades cabin, that way all of the annoying people that keep checking on her would go away. If you were a antisocial prick, that must be paradise.

“Um...hi.” Someone said behind us, I turned around to see Sam. The new kid that seemed to hang around Autumn a lot, seemed like another friend thing though. He clearly didn’t see her for anything more than a best friend. “Do you know where Anastasia is?” So he knew her too. She seemed to acknowledge him but she was best friends with Autumn. It seemed like they had been friends for a while.

I motioned to the bench, “Come sit by us. We’re waiting.”

“For what?” Sam took a seat next to me. He seemed kind of offset by Jason, Sam was a little dude after all. Jeez, he and Leo should be like besties.

“They disappeared and now we’re waiting for them to come home.” Sam seemed to consider that, then decided,

“That seems like an Anastasia thing to do. Did they tell you they were leaving?”

“Not really.” I noticed his Southern accent a little but it was pretty faint like he had been hanging around New York. He always carried a guitar case with him, though I had never seen him play. He seemed more of the silent type, he was quiet but still at the same time, he had a solid opinion.

It was like he could tell what I was thinking, he leaned down, smirking, and grabbed his guitar. He popped open the top and I saw it. It was the most gorgeous guitar I had ever seen. Ivory colored with carved designs along the sides making it both elegant and rustic. He wrestled a pick out of his pocket and wrapped his hand around the neck. I’m not a super musical person but he seemed kind of professional. I strummed a few chords, quiet and calm. I watched his play for a while, then I leaned into Jason and closed my eyes and listened. And waited, and waited.


Sun kissed my eyelids as I woke up. The sun dipped low, and I realized how if they didn’t get back before dark something bad could have happened to them. Sam was still playing but kept watching the horizon waiting to see them come from any direction.

“Didn’t know you were that tired.” Jason said.

“Oh shut up! You ruined the niceness of this moment. Shh!” Sam paused but I gave him an encouraging look and he looked back down and kept playing.

We sat like that for a while. The sun started to set. I really started to worry. Then I heard her talking to me,

“Piper. Honestly, how long are you planning to sit here and wait? Waiting doesn’t do anyone any good.” Jason turned around and Sam nearly dropped his guitar,

“Wait, I wasn’t the only one who heard her this time?!” I said kind of relieved. I turned around and saw her. Oh great. Mom. She was dressed almost exactly like me, so similar it was creepy. She was wearing a camp shirt and wore entirely too much makeup that exaggerated her eyes.

“Hi, Jason.” Aphrodite flirted. Ugh, if she says another word I’m gonna punch her, “Don’t get testy I don’t steal my daughter’s men intentionally.” I blushed furiously.

“What do you want?”

“Honestly, there’s not much to take. You guys are so hopeless. There are only so many things I can do.” Sam touched my arm.

“Okay, who is she?” He seemed to be the only guy I had ever seen who was not hypnotised by her.

“Aphrodite, the absolutely hopeless love goddess.” Sam paled at the mention of my mom’s name.”

“Ah, so you’re the mortal that’s not so mortal.” Aphrodite appraising him like he was an object at an auction. It’s creepy how she looks at guys. She blushed. “What a wonderful past you have!” That made Sam look down. What wasn’t he telling us?

“Sam, what is she talking about?”

“Nothing important. I’ll tell you later.” Sam glared at my mom. “Stop reading my mind okay?”

“No way!” My mom said playfully, “You have a very interesting mind in there. You think in a way that most mortals find impossible. Wow, how did you get a glorious mind like that?” Aphrodite teased.

“There has to be a reason for why you would show up, exposed, during a time like this.” Jason demanded.

“Well obviously. You know, your friends are in quite a pickle right now. They might even die. How terrible would that be. Sure we gods are on their side, but there are only so many times we can save them when they are right in the middle of enemy camp.”

“You know where they are?” I asked.

“Yes of course. I must always have an update on my favorite demigods.” Aphrodite crossed her ankles. “Yes, I know where they are. But telling you would be too easy. So I suggest that you go and find Sam’s mother. Tell her that his lovely aunt sent him, she’ll know what to do. Take care Piper, and please, you’re not useless.”

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