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Chapter 25




Okay, I’m really confused. What happened? Why do I feel darkness, yet I don’t see it? I see gray, my mouth is dry, am I gagged? My wrists and ankles are bound by some ridiculously irritating material. I am lying on my back, I get into a sitting position.

“So she’s awake, eh? Say hi to Prisoner Number 184, Steve.” Steve? You’ve got to be kidding me. The man’s voice was rough and chilly, but kind a gargled. Are we underwater?

“Hi Prisoner 184.” A timid voice said, “Sorry for the inconvenience.”

“Inconvenience? She’s under charges for treason against the Lord Poseidon!” Treason? And what charges are against Poseidon for kidnapping me? I guess none because he’s an Olympian, but there is no doubt that my mom is ticked. I was about to say so when I remembered I was gagged. I motioned to my mouth, hoping that one of the guards would see.

“We should at least ungag her.” Steve reasoned with Meanie #1. “You can see how uncomfortable it’s making her.” Meanie #1 grunted,

“She’s a prisoner, she is to be treated like one.” What good am I without my voice? Without my voice I can’t even trick them into doing something...wait, maybe I can. I threw myself on my back and shook and screamed through my gag, kicking my legs to make it look like I was having a mental breakdown. “What in Hades-”

“Now can we ungag her?” Without waiting for a response, I heard Steve throw open the door and untie the gag around my mouth. I instantly felt better, I stopped thrashing.

“Thank you.”

“For a prisoner you certainly have good manners.” I had hoped that after taking off my gag he would have proceeded to taking off my blindfold. I wanted to plant a good punch at Meanie #1 and to do that I would need to be able to see.

“It helps knowing that Lord Poseidon will regret putting me here.” I know it would not be so smart to get angry at these guy’s superior, it will probably only anger them, but I really need to blow off some steam about the whole ordeal.

“You better shut your mouth about that or you might get the death penalty. No one is as magnificent as our Lord.” Meanie #1 said. The idiot is definitely going to need a punch to the face. I’m already ordering a godly sized slap for Poseidon.

“The least you could do is explain to me what I’m here for!” I steamed.

“You’re here for high treason and unapproved involvement with Lord’s son Perseus Jackson. A tall order indeed. Your sentenced to prison for 22 more hours until you are sentenced to permanent hibernation by the Lord himself. Dying in such a way is an honor. But of course, it’s not dying. Your soul will be held inside of a certain instrument with you body were you will spend eternity. This is how we punish extreme criminals, because passing into Elysium is too good for certain individuals.”

“They can do that?” What? I’m never going to see Percy again. I’m not even going to see him in Elysium one day either. I am never going to see him again. The thought breaks me, heart-wrenching sobs escape me. Tears that never come. “Unapproved involvement? I loved him! How could Poseidon be so cruel?”

“Don’t start speaking in past tense quite yet, you still have 21 hours and 55 minutes left.” At least he didn’t argue that this was a cruel punishment. I was beginning to formulate a plan.

“If this is my last day, can’t I at least see my last hours tick by? And tell my loved ones that I love them? Shouldn’t you have a chance to say goodbye? Even if I am a so called ‘criminal’. The idea of never having a formal goodbye is downright evil!” There was a pause. Then I heard Steve whispering to Meanie #1.

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