Chapter 36 Sea Green Eyes

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Chapter 36

Sea Green Eyes



“Percy what are they talking about?” I stammer watching Percy draw a sword.

“You killed Luke. The one you loved, and you killed him? And then with me, you let me down when I needed you. But now I don’t need you anymore. I can be on my own, because I will never lean on the shoulders of sinners ever again. You’re a monster.” Monster. It was my fault. The lump rose up in my throat making me want to cry. A tear escaped but I wiped it away with my sleeve before they got the satisfaction of seeing me crying.

“Percy, I love you. Don’t you remember that?”

“What? I hate you. We’re not compatible. You’re a monster, I never loved you.” Percy said balling his fists. He pointed his sword at me, “I will never love you.”

This isn’t real. This is a dream. Percy had just said that he loved me. He had kissed me. We were together. We had plans for New Rome. This is a nightmare, and my worst fear. “Percy..” I said covering my face.

“Oh look at that Percy you made the monster cry. Let’s put her out of her misery.” Percy hefted his sword. He took position to run at me, when we were interrupted by a rhino running over a hill. Literally. Frank ran Luke over. When he saw Percy a look of confusion washed over his rhino face.

“Frank it’s not Percy. Don’t let him get away, I need to talk to him.” I decided. Luke was groaning on his stomach his face buried in a bush. He flipped himself over and cackled.

“Finish them.” Percy took on an offensive stance and slashed at Frank. I pulled out my sword, not really sure what to do with it. There was no way I could risk hurting Percy. He may not love me back but I will always love him.

“Frank grab the girls and get out of here! I’ll meet you at the sea!” I ordered. I need to do this alone. I could handle this. Percy charged Frank but he turned and ran back to where he came from taking a last glance at me, I mouthed: Thank you. He turned and disappeared over the hill.

“Getting cocky aren’t you? Luke said recovering from his bashing. “You won’t be cocky for long. In my opinion there are 2 types of people in this world. Those who steal and those who are stolen from. And today I have the privilege of stealing your futures.” He looked at Percy who was waiting for orders, confused about what had just happened. “Try not to kill her, we need her for a sacrifice. But feel free to give her a rough thrashing. She owes you for her deceptions.”

“Yes, General.” Luke was in charge of this place? He turned on me with a wild look in his eyes. My only upper hand right now is that I’m faster than Percy but he’s stronger and more skilled with a sword than I am. Percy made a stupid move and charged straight at me. I leaned a little to the right grabbed his wrist and flipped him on his back, knocking the air out of him. I ripped his shirt into sections and tied them tightly around his wrists. He dropped his sword and then threw his head at me hitting me in the stomach making me stumble. He jumped back to his feet and tripped me, making me fall on my face. Percy never fought like this, this wasn’t him. I threw myself at his ankles and knocked him flat again. My stomach was aching, it would probably bruise, but that was irrelevant right now, if I didn’t stop him he would no doubt kill me. A cry rose from the hills and I whipped my head around to find the source. Anastasia came barreling up the hill a sword in hand.

“YOU’RE SO STUPID PERRRCYY!!!!!” She screamed. “WHYY DO YOU HAVE TO BE A JERK NOW???” She ran at him. Percy stunned didn’t expect her to elbow him in chest sending him sprawling backwards.

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