Chapter 46 Emotional Schist

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Chapter 46

Emotional Schist


I guess the first thing one should know when you are facing a giant lady statue that’s pissed at you that you should duck. But at the time all I could think was: Oh my gods that’s one freaking huge stone lady! Naturally this resulted in obvious injury.

    She ran at us full speed, before I had a chance to react to a stone statue barreling toward us, she ran over Reyna. Literally. She literally ran her over. Her feet connected with her chest and she fell backward. I heard something break, possibly a rib, oh great. Why do all of my battles start this way? I mean, seriously, do I always have to have the short end of the stick? Can’t I have an easy battle once in my life? Is that too much to ask? Seriously. Yet again, I’m kind of being a brat, since I can’t really fight giant stone ladies, and these pros have to protect me like some stupid mortal.

    “AGH!” Reyna gasped and clutched her side. Yep, rib.

    “Are you okay?” Jason and Piper ran over to her. I don’t think there was a way to stop that goddess, I mean, she’s ginormous! No matter how skilled you are it’s not like you can cut stone into little pieces.

    Blood soaked through Reyna’s side. She laid on her back writhing in pain at the injury. Niobe turned around, like a raging bull preparing for her next pass. Her eyes glowed gold, the color of ichor, like a blinded and cornered animal she fought without reason.

    Dark gold tears streamed silently from her eyes. Her body was a dark marble color, not black not grey kind of color. A toga was carved onto her facade, thank goodness, especially after we did a Greek Pottery unit in school. WHY DID THEY NOT WEAR CLOTHES??? I will never understand. She focused on my and my stomach sank. Dang it, why do they always go for the weak ones? Jason shoved me back telling me to run.

    As we both turn to run, we run into some Greek ruins. Just a great giant pile of stuff. And it’s ginormous. If we took the time to get around it, she’d be on us. Piper was making some attempts to stab the goddess, but it clearly wasn’t working. She was made of stone, at worst you could make a few scratches against her super hard skin.

    “Any ideas?” Jason asked me. Nope, none at all. I was totally improvising.

    “Sorry, no.” Jason shook his head slightly and pulled out a golden coin and flipped it, transforming it into a golden sword. I didn’t have a whole lot of time to gawk in amazement at it so I just accepted that somehow things like that can happen.

    Niobe swung her arm forward narrowly missing Jason. Jason anticipated it and gave himself momentum to throw himself over her outstretched arm.

    Overall she had to be at least a thousand pounds of marble and other godly substances. She was at least 11 feet tall, giant size. She actually was a very cool statue, she was detailed to the point that she looked like a real human. Except when it came to the point in which you realized she was made of stone. Unlike other statues your emotions were almost tangible, almost unreal in a way.

    She took another swipe at Jason who was doing everything he could to keep her from slaughtering me. We could all tell that his attempts could only stop her for so long.

    “STOP MOVING!” Piper ordered her with such force, I almost stopped breathing to do what she asked.

    “How does she do that?” I muttered under my breath.

    “I know. She’s pretty persuasive.” Jason nodded. Niobe froze to a halt. It was in this moment of suspension that I remembered who she was.

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