Chapter 23 Fighting For Your Life

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Chapter 23

Fighting For Your Life



“Are we ready?” I peered at the other doctors that were stationed around Jason. One had electric paddles if Jason should go into cardiac arrest. Another held a tube that we would have to shove down Jason’s throat if he should have any respiratory problems. There was a third with at least a pound of ambrosia for obvious reasons. There was one last one that held a weird IV drip that they would have to attach to Jason if he went into shock. I felt like Annabeth, I had a plan A, plan B plan C, and a plan D if any of the other plans should fail. I miss her.

I had been briefed with all of the medical down low. We were to give Jason a experiment treatment to help him wake up. Without this he could lose both of his legs. Of course, it was experimental. But I was willing to give it shot. For Jason.

Emma had left the hospital  few days ago, she had passed all mental and physical tests and was able to leave. I had passed all of the physical tests all the mental except for the stress test because I was too stressed out about Jason. So technically I could leave except I decided not to because leaving would mean being further away from Jason. And I couldn’t do that.

All of the doctors nodded. We were ready. Was I ready? I was about to help they plunge a needle into my boyfriend’s neck! Of course I wasn’t ready. But I had to be.

“Alright. Take him off morphine now.” One DIT flipped a switch on one of the monitors and the clear nasty drip slowly stopped dripping. A doctor shuffled forward with a neon blue colored mixture loaded into a scarily long scringe that sent a shiver down my spine.

“Now.” I motioned to the doctor with the scringe and she plunged the syringe into a vein in Jason’s neck. His breathing stats started to even out and reach normal status. I felt a surge of joy and relief.

Suddenly his heart rate sped up like helicopter blades. He flipped backward in a tortured way. He spasmed and thrashed. The doctors tried to hold him down.

“WHAT’S HAPPENING!” I screamed as more doctors pushed me out of the way. Jason arched his back in one final strain and his heart beat stopped and his body lay limp in a very unnatural way. All of the doctors stepped back as a doctor stepped forward with the paddles.


Silence. Not even heart rate monitor had anything to add. Absolute silence. Grief must be embedded in silence because suddenly I was overwhelmed by it. His heartbeat went in a dead straight line. I’m sure I screamed but all I heard was white noise. The silence and the grief, partners in a horrific dance through human emotions. I pushed through the masses of doctors and laid my head down on Jason’s bed to sob. White noise. My own vision blocked by my sobs. I am alone now. All alone.

You could have saved him. Her voice whispered.  

You’re right. For once. I reply.

I offered you many opportunities. But yet you refused. Someone had to die. From his death you should learn to respect me.

I had no response. It was true, I could have saved him. But I refused her save my friends too. way there was no one that I love that I can truly protect forever. “I love you, Jason.” Even if he wasn’t here I wanted him to know that.

Piper. A different voice. Mom.

What do you want from me? I have lost everything.

I have come to tell you this: You can save him Piper. But only you can. You have only seconds before he is fully passed into Elysium. SAVE HIM.

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