Chapter 42 The Nico Thing

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Chapter 42

The Nico Thing



I did not give them permission to all disappear on me. Gwen had gone back to her cabin a while ago. I decided somewhere in my self conscience to not think about her. There was entirely too much confusion involving her. I wasn’t going to waste my thoughts thinking about it. So instead of wasting time I set out to find my sister. Naturally, I would run into him.

“Hey Nico.” Will called from the Apollo cabin.His blonde hair covering his eyes, the dude needs a haircut.  “Why so gloomy?”

“Why so annoyingly perky?” I muttered, “None of your business, have you seen Hazel?” I said continuing my path not waiting for his decision to follow me or not.

“Nah, a lot of your posse has disappeared. No clue why, they all seemed in a hurry though. Last time I saw Hazel she was talking to Annabeth. I’m guessing they were talking about Percy, it wasn’t long after that they seemed to disappear.” Will Solace shrugged, “By the way, have you seen the Stolls, I’m pretty sure they stole some of my stuff.” Before he could say anything else my attempts to ignore her became impossible,

“NICO STOP AVOIDING ME!!!” Gwen screamed. Will raised his eyebrows, then grinned,

“Nevermind, you look like you’re gonna be in big trouble real soon.” He winked, turned and disappeared into the Apollo cabin.

“DON’T YOU DARE KEEP WALKING AWAY!!!” Ugh, Gwen. Don’t you know how this works, we do something extremely awkward and then we decide not to talk about it? That’s the natural thing to do. Don’t be unnatural. “NICO DI’ ANGELO!!!” She was getting closer, I walked faster.

Gwen finally caught up out of breath and wheezing. “Jeez, are you out of shape or what?” Then I mentally slapped myself. Aw, Nico you jerk. She’s sick, her lungs are crappy, you have no right to judge her running. It’s amazing she can run at all. “Sorry.” I said when she glared at me icly.

“Did-you not-understand- when- I said-STOP?” Gwen wheezed. “It means-you stop-for the sick-cancer girl!” Gwen glared at me from under her long bangs. I can’t remember her putting her wig back on, she actually seemed more normal without it on, kind of, I don’t know, pretty that way?

“Sorry, I forgot.”

“Naturally you would forget. Sam- he left me a note. I know where they are.” Gwen weakly handed me a piece of notebook paper that had been hastily torn out. On the paper were the words in scrawled handwriting,

“Hey Gwen,

Your guinea pig has gone missing, I know. Piper, Jason and I have gone back to my hometown to look for clues to find Percy and the others. We’re concerned, but if we find anything out, I promise to send you an Iris message. Sorry for being a derp for not telling you the minute before I leave. But there’s the Nico thing and whatever. Try to be safe okay? Don’t go looking for trouble.

Your guinea pig,


“I’m a thing?”

“Aw, come on ignore that!” Gwen grimaced.

“So he went home like a sissy. Jeez, Sam.” I regretted it almost as soon as I said it. Gwen slugged me in the shoulder.

“He is not a sissy.” She smirked, “Though he can be a pain in the butt sometimes.” I grinned back,

“Reminds me of someone else I know.” Gwen was not a sissy in the slightest, always willing to reach the brink of death to protect her friends. She was an admirable person. Though she always acted like she was angry, like she had something to prove and you were always in her way.

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