Chapter 03 The Name Haley Becomes Manly

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Chapter 03

The Name Haley Becomes Manly



Just when I thought I  had enough of blacking out, my head thought differently. But the worst part about blacking out was the voice.

You can’t avoid me.

Do you have to make me black out all the time? I thought to myself.

Oh, but open your eyes child. You are not unconscious.”

I was puzzled as I opened my eyes. Yes, I was awake and I was at Camp Half-Blood. But why was everyone staring at me and why could I still hear the voice while I was conscious?

So many questions child. Wait, and all of them will be answered.

I tried to ask my friends what was going on but I couldn’t find my voice inside myself.

“Emma, can you hear me?” Annabeth asked. Her face was horrified. I  remembered the awful girl on the stool that had green smoke spewing out of her mouth, but the smoke wasn’t the worst thing that came out of her. What she said was worst. I was so confused I thought I was going to explode from brain overload.

Be patient child.”

The voice was always calm and breezy, but what scared me so much was the tales about monsters and giants and gods and goddesses and some creepy lady named Gaea that the voice would tell me about. Now that I found out all of the voice’s tales were true, I thought I was going to throw up. This was all too much. Far too much.

You will soon understand.”  How soon is soon? I thought. Annabeth and her boyfriend, what’s-his-name, were kneeling by me and were trying to get me to stand.

“Emma, can you hear me?” what’s-his-name said. I tried to nod but it just looked like a shiver of panic.

“It’s OK. Everything is OK, Emma,” said the girl with the red hair who was previously spewing green smoke. “We’ve got you. Can you stand?”Finally I found a voice, however it was not my own.

How dare you treat me like an ignorant child!”  I shrilled, “I am a goddess, not a handicapped kindergartener!

“I’m sorry. So who are we speaking to?” Annabeth tried to say without any venom in her words.

Thank you for your excellent attitude adjustment. I am Selene, the goddess of the moon. And when I say THE I mean THE.”

This time Annabeth was unable to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. “It is an honor to be in your presence.” However the goddess didn’t have time to spit venom back at her because I  fell over and the glow left me, leaving me sprawled across the floor.

“Ow, my head.” I groaned as Annabeth heaved me to my feet. I swayed and almost fell again but Annabeth’s boyfriend stopped my descent.

“You ok?” Annabeth’s hot boyfriend said.

“Kinda. Who are you?”

“Oh, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Percy. Percy Jackson.”

“And you’re Annabeth’s runaway boyfriend.”

“Not really. But I guess..well...yeah.”

“Are you ok now?” Annabeth worried, “I don’t want to have to take you to the infirmary again.” Her eyebrows knit together and you could tell she was thinking hard like an Athena kid should. Her hair was matted on her head and she was still shivering slightly from that creepy prophecy.

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