Chapter 09 Poseidon Hates The Rainbow Goddess

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Chapter 09

Poseidon Hates The Rainbow Goddess


I had leaves stuck in my hair from rolling around on the ground outside the cabin. It took 2 hours before anyone was awake. It was Chiron who found me. All I heard was white noise, Percy was gone. Again.

Chiron’s mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear anything he was saying. All she heard was Percy’s voice. It was echoing in my head over and over again so loud  it hurt my skull. Chiron seeming to be asking me what happened even though I couldn’t hear him. Eventually he ended up carrying me back to the crazy ward, we ran into Grover who looked very distraught and was also speaking to me. Chiron knelt down and put me down on a cot. He muttered something to Grover and walked away. Though it seemed impossible to sleep I felt my eyelids flutter and close as I seemed to fall back into Tartarus.  

When I opened my eyes I was with Percy, I wanted to run into his arms so desperately but I was stuck-almost like I was glued to the ground. Then I realized I was still dreaming. I scanned my surroundings and saw that we were in a huge pavilion. Blood stained Percy’s shirt where the owl’s talons had pierced his flesh.

“Why did you take me here?” Percy said. This was directed at the barn owl with the bronze circlet on it’s head that was perched on the other side of the pavilion. I  looked up and saw that there were more owls flying above them in vulture formation.

Instead of the owl replying which would have been really weird a voice echoed from all directions, “Perseus Jackson. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” The voice’s tone was cold as ice and hard as stone, “I told you I didn’t like your relationship with my daughter.” Then all of the pieces fit together, the owls were Athena’s sacred animal that’s why they had kidnapped Percy. The only question was, why.

“Let me go Athena! We are meant to be together! You can’t change that! You can’t help who you fall in love with!” He stuttered nervously.

“You sound exactly like your father. It’s sad how similar you are to him. You have his avid pig-headed ability, his stubbornness, and his belief. You’re almost a younger meer image.” The voice retorted.

“Where am I?”

“In a colossal pavilion, duh! You didn’t honestly think I would tell you where you were did you? That would defeat the purpose.” Athena laughed coldly, “I honestly have nothing against you besides the fact that you love my daughter and that can just not be allowed!” Then there was an explosion and the connection dissolved, leaving me to be helplessly confused.


“How was your slumber my dear?” Chiron knelt at my cot and looked deeply into my eyes, trying to read my emotions.

“I had a dream.” I croaked.

“Here.” Chiron gave me a glass that was sitting on my nightstand, “Have some water and tell me about your dream.” I sobbed as I told him what happened. After I told him it felt like a huge weight was removed from my chest. Chiron was just so easy to talk to, it almost felt like I was talking to my dad. He just really understood my emotions….. kind of like Percy…

“’s good she hasn’t killed him. I mean when you're immortal human lives are so very insignificant. It’s almost unsatisfying once you’ve killed them.” Chiron’s eyes were full of concern, I tried to stop them but silent tears streaked down my face, “Would you like to return to your cabin dear?” I gave him a slight nod and got up from my hospital cot. I trolled outside. I shuffled into my cabin and glanced at myself. I grimaced, my face was hideous! I had streaks down my face where tears had slid down on my dirty cheeks, there was grass, dirt, and leaves that clung to my ponytail. I pulled out a few leaves and crashed on my bunk. The springs in my mattress gave a faint groan as I jumped on. I sighed as I looked up and saw what I had inscribed on the bottom of Emma’s bunk when Percy disappeared last time, I added six tallies to “Hours Since I Last Saw Percy”.

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