Part 1

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Emily's POV

"YAH! CHANYEOL-AH! PUT ME DOWN, YOU BIG ANT!" I shriek as Chanyeol swings me over his shoulder.

I smack his back a couple times and shout at him.

"I wanna carry my little sister to her first day of high school." Chanyeol says and walks down the stairs.

"I'm 18 years old! This is my last year in high school!" I scream.

Chanyeol drops me on the couch and turns around.

"Get on my back then." He points to his back with his thumbs.

I laugh. "Yeah, like I'm gonna do that."

I pick up my backpack and phone. "Let's go before we're late to school."

"I didn't eat breakfast yet." Chanyeol pouts. "I'll be so hungry!"

I groan. "Mom's gonna kill us if she finds out we're late to school on the first day. Come on, just grab a snack and hurry up."

I leave Chanyeol in the house and make a run for it.

"Yo! Emmy!"

I turn my head and see my best friend running towards me.

I wave to her. "Hey! Hurry up, before Chanyeol catches up to us."

We continue to run for about 3 minutes until my house was no where in sight.

"Hey, why aren't you with Sehun?" I asked, out of breath.

Amber rolls her eyes. "He drove his girlfriend instead of me. But whatever, I wouldn't want to be stuck in a closed space with the saliva show."

I scrunch up my face in disgust. "Ew, gross."

"You excited for the first day of school?" Amber changes the subject.

I shrug. "It's just another year."

"It's our last year!"



"Hello, my name is Byun Baekhyun. I am 18 years old. Please take care of me." The new kid introduces himself.

"Wow," I lean over and whisper in Amber's ear. "He's cute."

Amber giggles. "Is my little innocent Emmy calling someone she barely knows...cute?"

I scoff. "What are you talking about? You don't agree?"

"No, I do-"

"Go sit between the two talking girls." The teacher points to us with a stern look on his face.

I sigh and give Amber a look.

Baekhyun hesitates before walking to us.

I move over a chair, so now I'm sitting next to the window.

"Thank you." Baekhyun gives me a small smile before sitting down.

My hearts beats against my chest and I try not to say anything stupid.

I give him a slight nod before turning my attention away from him.

In the corner of my eye, I can see Baekhyun giving me small and quick glances. I try to ignore it, but I couldn't keep my hands still.

Unfortunately, my hand falls off the table and onto Baekhyun's thigh. Like we're talking THIGH. WE'RE TALKING THIGH!

He slightly jumps from the sudden HAND on his THIGH.

I gasp and quickly remove my hand.

I'm so glad it was somewhat loud in the class and no one noticed the accident.

My cheeks were blood red and my heart starts beating faster than normal.

There was a lump in my throat. A big, fat, horrible lump.

"I'm so sorry." I apologize and cover my face with my hands.

I hear Amber snort.


The bells rings and I sprint out of the classroom.

"Idiot!" I smack my hand as I enter the girl's bathroom. "What the heck was that, Emily? Why do you still have that stupid habit!?"

Amber runs into the bathroom with my stuff in her hands along with hers.

"His thigh..." Amber starts laughing hysterically.

"Of all places, maybe his arm or elbow, but nope. Straight on his..."


"AMBER!" I cover my cheeks.

"Straight on his-"

"I get it. I messed up...horribly."

"No, sister, you still need to remember, it was his thigh and not his-"

"Shut up, Amber, I get it." I furrow my brows, annoyed.

"Ahh, my little Emmy. You are so funny."

We leave the bathroom and head straight to our second period.

As soon as I enter the classroom...

"Hello, I am Baekhyun. I look forward to learning many things this year."

Life can't give me a break.

Baekhyun walks towards me and stops in his tracks when he sees me.

Before I could attempt to give him a smile, someone rushing to beat the bell, bumps into Amber, who bumps into me and causes me to fall forward.

I yelp as my things fly out of my hands.

I hit's not the floor... it's not my things.

I shoot my eyes open and look up. I see Baekhyun's shocked face and the whole class staring at us.

"Crap." I squeak as I process what I did.

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