Part 15

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Emily's POV

I flutter my eyes open. Wow, i have to say...I've never had such a nice and peaceful sleep before. I am shocked, I'm not usually a morning person, but this morning, I feel like I could run outside and scream. But I won't.

The first thing I see is....well nothing. It was dark enough that I can't see clearly, then I smell a familiar scent.The sweater made me gasp quietly, my voice still all cracky. I break out into small coughs, trying not to panic.

"Baekhyun..." I cover my face in completely embarrassment. I wanted to scream and run away, but comfort was being my only obstacle.

I was comfortable in his arms. His grip around my body was tight, not too tight, but it was very stable, like he didn't want me to get away from him easily.

Ugh! What am I saying?! I don't know the guy! Emily, you pabo! I'm going crazy! I'm not feeling ok! My heart is pumping more blood than my body can handle. I'm starting to sweat, my forehead is becoming moist and so are my hands. My hands are tingling badly. I'm in a bad situation, but I almost don't want to leave it.

Baekhyun shifts around, arms still around. My breaths hitches and I shoot my eyes fully open. I try to look over him.

"Oh, it's morning. Aghhh, what to do." I squeak quietly.

My arms were curled up against my chest. How am I going to get out and not wake Baekhyun up? How am I POSSIBLY going to get out without disturbing him. I can't....its impossible. We all know he's going to freak when he sees me. I barely remember how this happened. Oh, I would just die if I was the one who did this.

Should I just wake him up? Or wake him up "naturally" and pretend to be asleep. Should I just run away? No, this is my house. Well I need to think fast, anyone could come in any moment now.

Risk it.....should I? I don't know, maybe. I should, I have no choice right? Do I? Would the result be any different? It'll end horribly, right? Either way, he's gonna freak.

I lightly tap his chest and grit my teeth.

His eyes open very slowly. I instantly shut my eyes and pretend to be asleep. Umm, I guess I'm doing this....

"Emily...I know you're awake." Baekhyun whispers. His morning voice really made me jump.

"You-You do?" I whisper back.

He chuckles, a very low and sift chuckle. "Yeah, and I know you're flustered."

My lips tremble. "O-Oh, ar-are you freaked out?"

I feel him shrug. "Can't say I'm not. I'm just too comfortable to move."

My heart explodes. My mind started racing and my voice box just shut down.

After the silence, Baekhyun laughs.

"You're cute when you're shy."

My heart stops. It literally stopped. Everything stopped. My mind, my nerves, my heart, my life. It just stopped working. There's ringing in my ear and I'm completely...out of it.

Baekhyun slides himself down so he was level with me. His face symmetrical with me. I gulp.

"I'm sorry, I just said that without thinking. How rude of me." His smirk goes straight to my heart, making me blush crazily.

"Op- Uhh, Baek-"

His finger finds his way to my lips and stops me. "Ah, no, call me Oppa."

"Bu-But, we're not-"

I get cut off by his laugh and eye smile, which I find SO cute in him...especially with that messy hair...and lazy eye....

"Emily, I'm older than you, right?"

I nod.

"Then, you can't complain."

I pout, making his finger press even more against my mouth.

"Don't make that face with me." He leans in closer. "I'll be so buttery with you."

"Huh? Buttery?"

He removed his finger. "It means I'll give in to anything you'll say....because you look so cute." He smiles again.

My heart pops. I was speechless now, not wanting to cause any more talk about ANYTHING! I'm still surprised at Baekhyun. He called me "cute" twice and confessed very quickly with no hesitation. Oh, I wonder if he's daydreaming a little, you know, he's a bit coocoo. I bet a million dollars he doesn't know what he's saying right now and that he's just messing around with me like how guys do to girls a lot.



"Are you a morning person?"

He thinks about it for awhile.

"Umm, not often, sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not."

"Oh, ok."

"Why you ask?"

I shrug. "It's just, you seem very happy right now, like you're very chill and relaxed."

He smiles. "That's because I'm really comfortable right now and I woke up next to a beautiful girl who gives me company. I don't feel so lonely and I feel happy about that."

I blush. "Oh, I see."

"Are you uncomfortable?" Baekhyun asks, slowly unwrapping his arms from me.

I shake my head. "No, no, I'm perfectly fine. It's just me...being shy."

"Awhhhh, what a cutie." Baekhyun places his hand on my cheek and pats it.

Another silent moment goes by, and I sit up slowly. Baekhyun follows and giggles at me.

"What?" I question, tilting my head.

"Your hair is all messy." He laugh and points to my hair.

I gasp. "Hey, look who's talking!"


We giggle and joke around with each other for a while, then it zooms out into another quiet moment.

"You-You want to get breakfast?" I ask shyly.

"Oh yes! I would love too!" He exclaims with sparkly eyes.

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