Part 2

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Emily's POV

"Hey, someone's finally moving in that house." I point to the empty house next to mine.

"You mean someone's about to be stuck living next to you." Amber jokes.

I scoff. "Please, I am a delight."

"Sure, peachy."

We walk closer and closer until we see the faces of the new family. Well, only one guy.

"Ahh, don't look now." Amber aggressively turns me around.

"Aiya! Amber, what's with you?" I try to fight back, but I am like a stick compared to that tree.

A few minutes of annoying bickering, Amber finally lets me turn around.

"Geez, you almost made my broad shoulders go unbroad." I complain.

"Psh, like I'm hulk." Amber pretends to smash something.

"What happened anyways?"

"I can't tell you."


"You'll freak if I do."

"I'm always freaking out."



"I'm not gonna tell you." Amber crosses her arms.

I cross my arms too. "If I find out sooner or later then won't I be-"

My attention turns to the truck, which is being closed that...


Amber rolls her eyes and grips my backpack.

"Did you-"


"But why-"

"I don't know."

"He was-"

"He is."

"By me!"

"By you." Amber literally throws me into the house and closes the door. "Now get your head together."

My eyes widen. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm going to miss you." Amber gets down on her knees and starts bowing.


"Sometimes, life can get challenging." She gets up and gives me another bow. "You just have to get through it."

"What are you-"

"You just need someone to push you to go farther than your comfort zone." Amber takes my hand and leads me to the door.

Fear builds up in my mind as Amber slowly opens the door, revealing Baekhyun carrying a box inside the house.

"Things in the past are like stars. Sometimes they appear and sometimes they can't be seen, but you know it's always going to be there."

"I don't think that's how it goes." I mumble.

"Be free, my little butterfly." Amber roughly pushes me out of the house, earning a faint squeak from me.

"Amber, you JERK! I am going to get you so good-" I stop when I see a little girl looking at me with her big, sparkly eyes.

"Excuse me. Can you help me bring this box inside that house?" She asks in the most sweetest voice I have ever heard before. "It's really heavy."

I give Amber a glare through the window, then turn around.

"Sure, I'll help." I smile and grab the box from her hands.

Well, dang, this is heavy.

The little girl hugs my leg and skips off to...somewhere. Is anyone watching her?

I feel my heart thumping against the box as I walk into the empty house.

Before I look around, I silently pray to myself, hoping I won't bump into that Baekhyun guy.

Looking around, I really don't see anything.

I look at the box, 'BLANKETS', it read.

Either I am weak or these blankets are made of stones...

I walk up the stairs and look for a bedroom.

All of a sudden, I hear the most soothing, beautiful singing I have ever heard before.

Who ever was singing is sure confident. It was a guy for sure. He was singing pretty loudly. Obviously, I didn't mind.

The voice stops and I snap back to my mental self.

I peek inside a room with blue carpet and white walls.

"No, that might be his..." I whisper and move on.

I peek inside a room with black carpet and grey walls.

"This could be the little girl's." I shrug and walk into the room.

I set down the box and sigh.

"These colors are nice, huh?" A voice startles me.

I turn around and see Baekhyun leaning on the door frame. He had a smirk on his face while he stared me down.

Butterflies form in my stomach as I try to talk.

"I was helping a little girl." I say.

"You're the girl who can't keep herself off me." Baekhyun smirks, ignoring my comment.

This somehow made me mad.

"I didn't mean to, you know that!" I snap.

"Do I?" He tilts his head.

"Y-Yes, you should."

That teethy smile doesn't leave his face.

The longer I look, the more butterflies start to fly around in my stomach.

"I gotta go." I avoid any contact with him as I walk past.

"You should come back later." His voice makes me freeze.

"Do I need to?" I ask.

"Maybe, my parents are out this whole night. We need the extra set of hands."


"That little girl is my little sister."


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