Part 20

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Baekhyun's POV

"Hey, Baekhyun?" Kai calls from the other side of my door.

"Come in!" I call back.

He comes in the room with a concerned face on. "Is everything alright?"

I sigh. "I don't normally talk about...g-girls and you know that but...this is crazy!"

"What happened?" Kai smiles, excitingly and sits down next to me. "DID YOU GUYS KISS?!"

"No! No! No, Kai, no!" I freak out. "Of course not!"

"Emily, right?"


He simmers down. "Ok, what then?"

"We-W-We....went to bed together and woke up together." I fiddle my fingers nervously.

" you slept together..."

"But we didn't do ANYTHING, I SWEAR! And-And I...sort of told her I was comfortable sleeping with her..." I grit my teeth. I'm soooo not used to telling this to people who can hear me.

"...ok, so you basically told her you like sleeping with her..."

I groan. "Not exactly!"

"Yes, you did. You just worded it in a gentlemen-y way."

"K-Kai! To be fair, she agreed!" I yell.

"Oh," He smirks. "You two just confessed your liking towards each other."

"Liking!? What liking? The only liking going on between us is comfort!"

"Oh please, loosen up, man. You like her and she likes you."

I cover my face. "I don't want to know that."

"Then will you tell me what else happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"I know something happened. Hello, it's me, Kai." He smiles and points to himself with confidence.

I glare at him.

"Ok, fine...I bumped into Yuri downstairs and she told me some...stuff."

"Ugh, ok fine! I watched her sleep!" I stand up abruptly. "We watched movies and she fell asleep and I just happened to find myself staring at her! Ok! I watched her sleep! And she woke up yelling 'IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK'. Then she told me she had a nightmare and I JUST HAPPEN to think it might've had something to do with me! See, is that all bad? Nooooooo."

"Well, she didn't tell me that..." Kai stands up too. "I'm so proud of you, man!"

I raise my eyebrows. "P-Proud of me? What?"

"I can't believe it! You're growing up!"

"But I don't know what to do? What will I do if I see her again?" I ask.

"Be yourself!"

"Kai, it's not that easy."

"Sure it is, and if you think you'll need a wingman-" He points to himself and I push him away.

"Never mind, I got this. But really, be serious with me please. Give me some advice." I beg.

He thinks for awhile. "Ok, well, when you start to give yourself hints that you are liking this girl..."

I nod. "Uh huh. Go on."

"...Lean in for a kiss. Surprise her, she will not resist a kiss."

I shrug. "O-Ok, but-but what if she freaks out and rejects me."

"Well, I actually never had that happen to me before."

I stomp my feet. "Ugh, Yuri is better at giving advice than you!"

Emily's POV

I grit my teeth and growl as Amber tries dragging out of the house.

"Come on. Woman up, girl. You need to tell him." Amber yells and puts pressure on my wrists.

"No! Amber, you're going crazy, you're losing your mind. You're-You're out of reality right now. CRAZY I SAY, CRAZY!"

"Trust me, Emily! Trust me, this will help a lot! If you tell him, you can get him thinking. Thinking about you."

"I don't want him too!"

"Yes you do!"

"No I don't!"

"You wouldn't stop talking about him since this morning!"


"Hey, is there a problem?" A guy comes out of Baekhyun's house, but he doesn't look like Baekhyun.

We both turn our heads.

"Um, n-no, nothing's wrong!" Amber yells back.

Baekhyun appears behind him and looks our way.


"Don't you dare, Amber." I whisper yell.

"Emily has something to tell you!"

"No I don't!"

"Hey, why don't we come over?" The guy next to Baekhyun yells. I see Baekhyun smack him.

"Oh yes, that'd be great!" Amber smiles.

"You did pabo!" I growl loudly and chase her inside the house.

"Hey, look! They're coming, hurry, get ready!"

"For what? They're- Hi there, b-boys..." Baekhyun and his friend appear in the door, staring at us.

Baekhyun waves to me awkwardly. His friend keeps his eyes on me. I stand there, looking at the ground and at Amber.

I notice Kai nudge Baekhyun with his elbow and Baekhyun shakes his head vigorously.

Amber pushes me forward. "How are you guys?"

I catch myself from falling and turn around to glare at her.

"We're both fine. Really fine-"

"BAEKHYUN-AH, EMILY-AH!" Yuri comes running inside my house.

We all turn our heads and look at her, dumbfounded.

"Yu-Yuri, why-why are you here?" Baekhyun asks.

"Oh, well, mom and dad keep talking to HER parents and I got bored. I heard yelling coming from outside and I overheard everything. So here I am, let's play. Kai, you're mom's here to pick you up." Yuri puts her hands on her hips and smiles big.

"Mom." Kai whines and jogs out the house.

Yuri replaces Kai and smiles at me creepily.

"H-Hi, Yuri." I wave to her.

She waves back happily. "Hello, Emily."

The awkwardness was torture. Literal torture. I swear I heard all of our heart beats.

"Um, hi, my name is Amber." Amber steps forward and shakes Yuri's hand.

"Nice to meet you. Let's speak outside." Yuri says. Amber wiggles her eyebrows at me and follows Yuri outside.

Leaving me and Baekhyun stare at each other the whole time...

What could I do now? What could I POSSIBLY do right now? I have no ideas, no choice, nothing at all! I didn't know that to do and I'm starting to get panicky and nervous, when I get nervous, I get clumsy and when I'm hands starts shaking...and when my hands start shaking, my body knows I'm nervous and that's when I start getting stressed!

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