Part 3

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Baekhyun's POV

That girl, what is her name?

I think it started with an E...

I couldn't but smile, thinking about that scared face she had when I caught her in my room.

How could she think this was Yuri's room?


I walk down the stairs and meet Yuri outside. She was playing with her favorite doll with the happiest smile on his face.

"Yuri, did you get the last box?" I ask, sitting next to her.

She looks up at me and nods. "Yup, I gave it to someone to take it in."

I chuckle. "Remember what mommy and daddy told you. Don't talk to strangers unless they look safe."

"But, Baek, that girl did look safe. She looked very pretty. I like her. She was nice to me." Yuri smiles and combs her doll's hair.

Another teethy smile creeps onto my face. "You're lucky." I ruffle her hair and kiss her head.

Emily's POV

"AMB-" I bump into the couch. "A-AMBER!"


I see Amber in the kitchen eating a piece of chocolate.

I slam my slam onto the counter in front of Amber and let out a weary sigh.

"He scared the living spirits out of me." I cry.

"Tell me."

I lean up and rest my head on my hands. "I went inside and went to the bedrooms. I went into one with a really nice color scheme, like wow, fancy! Anyways, it was actually that Baekhyun guy's room..."

I tell her what he said to me.

"Girl, that's some good stuff right there." Amber takes out her phone. "Comedy gold, man."

I snatch her phone and throw it on the couch.

"Not the time to be posting anything! Should I go or not?" I ask.

She shrugs. "Whatever happens, I can't go."

"Why not!"

"I'm busy."

"Doing what?"



"Fine, I'll just go with you, but only for a little. I have studying to do."

I roll my eyes. "If you're going to lie, at least try to make it believable."

Amber scoffs and puts her hand on her chest like she's hurt. "I am studying. My math class is harder than last year."

"Fine, fine. Should I get dressed up?"

Amber laughs. "In sweats maybe."

I smile. "Right."

"What do you mean you're leaving!? We just-"

I was cut off by a familiar angelic voice.

Again, I stop in my place and just listen. My heart was seriously dying for this magical sound.

Is it weird how it comes out suddenly? All of a sudden, there will be singing. Then it will stop.

I was in awe at the voice. Too into it, I didn't notice Amber giving me a look.

Amber listens too, but she isn't as into this as I am.

"I bet it's that Baekhyun guy." She states plainly.

My mind breaks into two as soon as those words enter my head.

"It can't be? Can it?"

"It can."

I shake my head and shrug. "Let's go."

It was almost 8:00pm and we were standing at the porch of Baekhyun's new house.

"Do you think it's a bit too late to visit?" I say.

Amber giggles. "No, bro, YOU HAVE TO GO SEE YOUR CRUSH!" She screams.

My eyes widen. I grab her coat and shake her around. "You idiot! What are you doing!" I whisper yell.

"IT'S A BIT LATE, THOUGH! WE SHOULD GO NOW!" She continued with a shaky voice.

I stomp my foot.

"Why are you so loud?" I whisper in a strict voice.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't 'what do you mean' me, Amber! You can't leave me here, you said-"

"There you are."

"DO YOU MIN-" I stop myself when I see Baekhyun leaning on the door frame, looking at us with an amused face. Is his signature move or something?

"Oh excuse me. I was waiting for you." Baekhyun changes his tone of voice so he sounds...innocent almost.

I furrow my brows in confusion. "Why did-"

"I left cookies in the...microwave." Amber yells and runs away.

"You don't put cookies in microwaves! You put them in ovens, dummy!" I scream.

"In there too!" Was the last thing I heard before a door slam.

I grit my teeth and sigh.

"Would you like to come in?" Baekhyun says in a complete different tone than before.

"D-Do I have a choice." I groan.

"Not really..." He steps to the side and holds out a hand guiding me inside.

I hesitate before entering his empty house.

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now