Part 21

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Amber's POV

Yuri pulls me outside and sits us down on the porch couch. She giggles nonstop and claps her hands.

"I haven't met you before, but I hear your Emily's best friend." Yuri whispers.

I nod. "That I am."

"Well, I'm Baekhyun's little sister. Everything you see in Baekhyun is because of me. Me! I taught him everything he knows and I'm the reason why he's this far with Emily.." She smiles and swings her feet back and fourth under the seat.

"This far? They can't keep eye contact for more than 10 seconds."

"That's further than his other situations."

I laugh. "That's sweet."

"It is. I made him realize his feelings for Emily! I made him man up enough to go back to her this morning."


"By annoying him about it. It works like a charm. And, it's not that hard because he already likes her-"

I widen my eyes. "Wh-What? He likes her?"

She looks behind her and inside the house and looks back at me. "Yes. Duh, can't you see it?"

"I haven't seen much of him. You think Baekhyun likes Emily?"

"I know, Amber." She wiggles her eyebrows.

I open my mouth and wiggle my hands in excitement. "Omo, that's great! Are you sure?"

She nods happily. "I'm pretty sure. If you see his expression when he talks about her, you'll see it pretty clear. Plus, he's been giving me signs. He already got 2."

"Signs!? Emily's been showing signs too. I knew it!" I say and clap my hands. "Dang, I'm good!"

"It's official, let's be partners!"

"What? Partners? For what?"

"To get Baekhyun and Emily together!"

"Do they need help?"

"They're moving slower than turtles in slow motion. They need us, Amber."

"But are you sure they don't want us to meddle in?"

"Baekhyun haven't had a girlfriend in forever, probably never. I'm always the one giving him advice on girls, but he never listens to me. This time, he has someone on the inside to get him in." Yuri winks at me.

"I can't possibly do that to my best friend." I sigh.

"Really? You don't think Emily and Baekhyun should get together? You're telling me you don't see the sparkle in their eyes when they suddenly meet each other. You don't notice the beautiful package they make and is waiting to be opened? You're telling me that you're the type of best friend that doesn't pay attention to her best friend and make her feel-"

"Ok, ok, I'm listening!" I cover her mouth. "But I don't want to ruin anything. We could mess up!"

"We don't have to make it seem like we're trying. We can make it seem like they did it on their own."

I stare at her in complete shock. "Wow, you have a way with words."

She nods. "Thank you. Now, will you help me."

"But what if you got your calculations wrong and they aren't meant to get together. You're a bit young, Yuri."

"You're turning me away because of my age? Listen to me, Amber, do I sound like a 6-year-old? Age doesn't say how mature you are."

I'm convinced. "Ok, let's be partners!"

Emily's POV

"Um, let's-let's sit down..." I offer and stumble onto the couch.

He nods. "Sure. So, how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok now, thank you."

Moment of silence starts and I actually wasn't feeling stressed or nervous. I kept on thinking about Baekhyun and how he asks if I was ok. Wow, who am I? I seem like I have no life...

The door slams open and appear a very close Amber and Yuri. They smile at us creepily when they see us sitting on the couch.

"Emily, you have something to say to Baekhyun, right?" Amber says and eye points to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun looks at me. "You do?"

"No, I don't. Amber, be quiet, you're going crazy." I hush.

"Tell him that you-"

I sprint to her and cover her mouth with my hand. I drag her away from the living room and push her inside my closet in the hallway and lock her in there.

Yeah, call me crazy. I do this to her all the time, don't worry.

"Emily?! What is this?!" Amber yells and knocks on the closet door.

"You are crazy, out of your mind, I swear. I don't know who you are anymore? Best friends don't tell their best friend's crush that they like them!" I scold quietly.

She gasps. "You like Baekhyun?"

"Yes, ok? Yes, I do. I know my heart does and I have no other choice but to just go with the flow. I know nothing will happen, so I don't what him finding out. Crushes don't last." I say quietly and look down.

" don't see anything happening between you and Baekhyun?"

"I-I don't know. I don't know, Amber, and that's why I don't want him finding...or you now." I sigh.

"I-I'm sorry, Emily."

I lean against the closet and cover my face. "It's ok, Amber."



I see Baekhyun standing in the dark hallways looking my way. He face was soft, but it did look like he just saw someone fall from a building.

The urge to run away washed over me, but hope pumps out of my heart that this could be our moment. It could be, right? This could be the moment I confess, or he does. Or not maybe...

But would he........oh no, he's walking towards me, he's walking pretty fast actually, he might actually walk past me...or into me....

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