Part 10

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Emily's POV

"I don't want you to go before I tell you..."

Somehow I gain the courage to hug him back.

"What are you saying, Baekhyun?" I ask shyly.

Baekhyun moves his head around mine and faces me. My cheeks turn a bright red as he leans closer.

"Baekhyun..." I eye him.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I lost my train of thought." He quickly pulls away from me and rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah, that was-that was weird, heh." I cough.

We stand there, awkwardly making little eye contact.

"H-Hey, why don't you come over to-today." Baekhyun asks.

I perk up. "Why?"

"That book essay thing in our second class." He says. "I might need some help on that."

I can't hold back a smile. "Yeah, sure. What time?"

"I don't"

"Hey, why don't you come over to my house instead? So we won't bother your parents while they're setting up." I suggest while giving him a smile. He looks at me with red cheeks and I giggle.

"That'd be awesome." He bumps into my shoulder gently.


"Why? Mom, you can't leave me home alone today! I'm studying...with a guy, hello, do you know me? I could reveal deep and dirty secrets without parent supervision. I'll feel like such a rebel, next thing you know, I'll be setting all the clocks an hour before. I might even-"

"Would you be quiet? I'm trying to tie my hair." Mom sighs.

"Did you not hear me?"

"Don't be such a goody goody, hun. You know you don't do that stuff. And plus, it's the next door guy, right?"

Amber pops into the room. "The guy she's smitten with."

I gasp and hit her shoulder. "What do you know? You were chicken and stayed inside!"

"Amber will be with you and so will Chanyeol." My mom finishes her hair. "Plus, your dad promised we would help them with their house. He said they were kind people."

Chanyeol runs into the room with a water gun in his hand. "Who wants to play water gun tag. Where you can't lie about being 'it' or not cause you have water stains on your shirt!"

Amber throws a pillow at him. "That's boring and not fun at all."

"I have no one to hang with, where's your brother, Amber?"

Amber crosses her arms. "Out on a romantic dinner with his girlfriend."

"Well, I gotta go, see you guys, good luck. Be good, ok? Bye bye!" Mom blows us kisses and runs off.

"So, I heard you're studying with a guy..." Chanyeol walks closer to me with his eyebrows raised. "My little sis is growing up!"

"Yah!" I push away from him. "I'm not a little girl! Plus, he's a friend, just a friend. Don't make things worse for me. Go...get a girlfriend or something."

Chanyeol steps back with 'O' for a mouth. "How dare you? I am waiting for the perfect one. I want one who's kind, sweet, gentle, and- ok yeah, see ya." And out of the house he goes.

Amber turns to me and shakes her head. "Boys."

"I'm gonna take a shower. Go make some food and don't burn down the house." I enter the bathroom.

"No promises!" Amber yells. "It's either good food or a clean kitchen!"

Baekhyun's POV

I look at myself in the mirror. Sweats, T-shirt, and messy hair.

"I look nice when I'm chill about my appearance." I smile with satisfaction. "I should do this more often."

My door slams open and Yuri walks in with her hip popping out and her arms crossed. I swear I didn't teach her any of this.

"That's clue #1." She holds up one finger with such sass.


"You're dressing up for her. You like her."



I scoff with such hurt. "Dressing up for her, whaaaaaaaaa, noooo. I'm doing this for myself. Anyways, you call this dressing up?"

Yuri mocks my scoff. "It's not about the quality, it's the thought of you looking nice her."

I look away. "I don't-I don't like her. It's just..."

"No words.. denial of your crush. That's #2."

"By-By the way, how many clues are there?" I ask hesitantly.

"Oh, aha, there are three." She smiles innocently.

"What's #3?"

"Teasing. The most obvious one!" Yuri jumps up and down. "You're obviously going to do that tonight, you did it at school and when you were walking home."

"How'd you know?" I widen my eyes.

"I have my ways."

"Just go play, I have things to get ready for." I gently guide her out of my room.

"Don't you mean....'someone'?"

"Good bye, Yuri." I wave.

"Don't forget to chew gum so your breath will be all good! Don't say anything stupid that might freak her out or offend her!" Yuri fights for her voice. "Remember, Baekie! Teasing a lady is not suppose to hurt her or her feelings!"

"Got it!" I close my door and rest my back on my door. I close my eyes and start rummaging through my mind.

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