Part 5

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Baekhyun's POV

I was watching her. No, not in a creepy way...

Ok, maybe in a weird way.

But what else could I do? I wanted to watch her. She was so focused on the task, that she wouldn't notice me call her name. To be completely honest, I found it so adorable. She was sucked into it and I didn't want to get suffocated by my own clothes.

Her hair was moving gracefully with her body. She would tuck her bangs behind her ear once in a while, which made me crack a small smile.

She moved about the walk-in closet and started hanging clothes and folding pants. I watched her every move. I watched her every choice and her every 'method'. I would even catch her wiping off sweat off her forehead and even fanning herself with her hands.

I was smiling a lot. My cheekbones were aching. I notice her pursed lips when she goes on her tippy toes to reach something high. I notice her mumbling to herself when she's trying to figure something out. I also notice her giving small satisfied smiles when she finished hanging up clothes.

I was interrupted by a small tap on my shoulder, making me jump.


"Oh, you scared me." I hold my chest. "Geez..."

Emily tilts her head and smiles cutely. "I'm sorry, but you were staring at me weirdly."

I clear my throat awkwardly. "Oh, uh. I zone out a lot, heh."

She shrugs. "Well, what do you think?" She shows her finished work. Her proud smile made me laugh.

I walk into the closet and was totally blown away.

The shirts, sweater, tank tops, jackets, pants, shorts, and shoes were all organized, hung, folded and put away, together and neat.

"Wow, I'm impressed." I say, trying to look cool. "Yeah."

She giggles. "Well, I'm proud of myself." She puts her hands on her hips and looks at me.

I hear a phone buzz. I reach for my phone in my pocket.

"Oh, that's me. I got to go." Emily puts her phone back in her back pocket.

I nod, kind of disappointed. "Ok, see you."

She walks up to me and we the awkward "hug or handshake" thing. She laughs and bows to me. I bow back.

"Thank you for having me over." She thanks.

I smile. "Thank you for coming."

Emily's POV

"What took you so long?" Amber says with a mouth full of chips. "You were gone for so long that I almost ate your entire cabinet."

"You would've eaten it all either way."

"You know it."

"Tck." I cross my arms. "While you were here stuffing your face, I was helping Baekhyun with his room. I organized his closet. Oh, where's my mom?"

"She's taking a shower and great, you organized his closet." Amber rolls her eyes playfully.

"Hey, he said he was impressed." I smile.

"What? Do you like him? Do you live for his praise?"

"Please, I'm way too good for him. If anything, I'm being too nice to him."

Amber bursts out laughing. "Yeah, ok, whatever helps you sleep at night."

I gasp. "Hurtful!"

"Call Me Baby, Ba, Call Me Baby." We hear some singing from outside.

I quickly run to the window. I look outside and see nothing but darkness.

"You probably scared him off with your desperate face." Amber jokes.

"Whatever" I whine. "I really need to figure out who's singing." I flop onto the couch. "Whoever is singing, is near." I hold up a fist.

"What are going to do when you find him?"

I smile. "I'm going to kiss him."

Amber looks at me. "QWHAT!?"

"Haha! I'm just messing around! I actually don't know."

"Just stick to your original plan."

"Heck naw."

Baekhyun's POV

"You like Emily! You like Emily! You like Emily!" Yuri sings in front of my face.

"Yah!! Yuri-ah!" I gently tickle her.

"Baekie likes Emily! Baekie likes Emily!" Yuri skips around. "Treat her like a princess, not a queen!"

I roll my eyes. "I don't like her."

"You're right. She's too good for you."

"Hey! If anything, I'M too good for HER!"

"Whatever helps you sleep tonight." Yuri wiggles her hand and skips into her room.

I fall back on my bed. I rest my hands above my my head and let out a tired sigh.

"You're so weird, Byun Baekhyun." I sigh.

After moments of thinking about life, I drift off to sleep.

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now