Part 17

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Baekhyun's POV

I take a shower, change into fresh clothing, and say good bye to my parents. I walk back to Emily's house-OMG OMG SCHOOL!

I start sprinting to Emily's house without thinking about anything after.

I totally forgot we had school. School's still a thing? School is still important, right?

I stop at the front door, breathing heavily. I hesitate at the door, but I place my hand on the nob and turn it. Surprisingly, the door opens by itself and I rush in.

"Emily, Emily! Sc-School-" I stop in my tracks. I stop everything my body can control.

Emily was wearing a nude color croptop with lace beautfully designed around her waist. Her long brown hair slightly wavy and softly resting on her shoulders. Her nice legs covered with these high-waisted light blue skinny jeans hugging her skin very comfortably. She was against the kitchen counter stirring something. Something that smelled good.

"There you are." Emily says without looking at me.

I was breathless. You know, I never took the time to think about how fashionable and stylish Emily was. She's really into crop tops...I can't freak out about it this time because...I rushed into here...myself....


Gahhh, she looks's the word...I don't want to say "sexy", it'll make me seem like such a-such a-

"Baekhyun, you're staring at me, aren't you?" Her voice interrupts my thoughts, causing me to jump.

I shake my head. "No, I'm not. I was just your kitchen. It's nice when it's not da-dark."

"Oh, hehe." She giggles. "Yeah, thanks."

"You're welcome. So, uh, school, what about that." I ask nervously.

"Oh yeah," She washes her hand and walks towards me. "School got canceled because of the storm. The power went out. Didn't you get the email?"

My mind focuses on my phone that was still in Emily's room. "Oh, no-no, I didn't."

She smiles. "Oh, well that's fine. How are your parents?"

"They're fine. Um, actually, they're getting along fine with your parents."


"Yeah. So, how's the breakfast going? Need some help?"

"Yes, I do, can you help me slice the fruit?" She asks while guiding me over to the counter with her hand on mine.

I start getting nervous. "Sure, I"

Together, in the kitchen, with this girl who looks absolutely amazing here by my side. A girl who's made me feel things no girl has ever made me feel. Our body's are practically pressed together. Well, no, not pressed, just close. Our shoulders are touching, stop PRESSURING ME! SHE'S THE ONE DOING IT...I'm just going along with it.

We made fruit smoothies for us, pancakes with fruits and syrup, and yogurt.

We sit down together at her dining table with all of of our food in front of us. The smell and visual was just breathtaking.

"Let's eat well." Emily says with such an excited face on.

I laugh. "Yes, let's."

We start to eat, the food is so delicious, but I didn't have the mind to stop eating and compliment it.

Time goes by and it's already noon and we're watching movies now. Emily was all snuggled up on the couch and I was awkwardly laying down on the other one.

I keep sneaking glances at her. What am I doing? I don't like her, I know I don't. Just today, my eyes can't escape the dangerous zone AKA her face. She looks so cute and adorable. She makes hanging out with me seem so easy and usual. Why isn't she awkward or shy with me? I know why, because she doesn't...feel things when she's with me. That's why I can't tell her how I feel. Why can't I just be like her and just NOT care? I liked how she was when she was "high", she was fun and it really brought me out of my shell. I like how she messes with me and plays around with me. I find it really cute and-


Emily's POV

Baekhyun keeps looking at me. Maybe it's my outfit, no it's not. I'm covered in blankets. Maybe he wants a blanket. Maybe he's cold. I should give him a blanket.

I turn around to meet his gaze and he turns away instantly.

"Hey? Baekhyun?"

He widens his eyes and slowly looks towards me. "Hm?"

"Are you cold?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"You look cold." I smile and sit up. "Come on, Baekhyun, come sit next to me."

I did not just invite him to sit next to me. Wait, no, I just did. Great, he's gonna think I'm too clingy. I'm a creepy girl with a weird personality.

Baekhyun stays quiet. "Well, I'm fine where I am."

"Are you sure?"

Emily, shut up!



Oh my goodness, Emily never do that again. Now he thinks I'm weird. And crazy. And obsessive.

But hey! He was the one being all weird this morning! He's being weird and giving me signs. It's not signs, is it? Because boys do that to girls ALL the time, heh, right? Like, we SLEPT in the same room and bed, I think he might think I might like him...even though I don't! Should I talk to him about it? Ha, no. I'm over thinking this.

"May I have a blanket, actually, I'm getting kinda cold."

Oh great! I nod and push off all the blankets on me and quickly grab a random blanket.

Since Baekhyun was just fairly far away from me and he's just TOO cold to walk over here. So, I hop off the couch and make my way over to him. But....

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