Part 7

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Baekhyun's POV

"Yo, who was your friend?" Kai asks me while looking behind my shoulder.

"Emily." I say.

D.O nudges my arm. "You two looked cute together when you walked into the school."

"Huh?" I look at him. "You were watching?"

"She looked cute when she looked at you and blushed." Kai adds.

"How could you see her cheeks from here?" I question.

He shrugs. "I can tell. I am a ladies man."

D.O scoffs. "Please."

I look at Emily who was still in front of the building. She was joined with her friends and I could tell she was getting teased just her shy actions.

"Yah, stop staring at her." D.O pats my back. "You have enough time to stare in first period, let's go."

"I'm not gonna stare at her." I whisper yell.

Emily's POV

I enter my first class with Amber awkwardly.

I see that Baekhyun was already in his seat and was talking to some of his friends.

"Watch your hands." Amber whispers to me.

"Aish." I glare at her.

I slowly walk to my seat and sit down quietly. I quickly pull out a book to distract myself from the other kids.

As I was reading, I kept feeling a foot touching mine. I was getting annoyed every time the foot softly bumped into my foot.

I look up and see Baekhyun with his head down and his arms sprawled across the whole desk.

"Dafudge." Amber looks at me with her eyebrows raised.

I shrug. I look around and see the other students reading a book or quietly talking to their friends.

The teacher, who was actually pretty chill, just sat on his chair with his phone out.

I look under the desk and see Baekhyun slowly inching his way to my foot again. I lift my legs up and sit criss cross on my chair.

I turn back to Amber. "He keeps touching my foot."

Amber starts snickering. "Well, I'm gonna nap, good luck, Em." She leans her head down.

"No, Amber! Amber!"

"Shh, keep it down if you still want free time." The teacher glances at me.

I sigh. "Ok."

I hear Baekhyun quietly laugh. This somehow gets on my nerve and I kick his foot.

"Yah." I whisper. "Why are you so annoying?"

He pulls my hand down, causing me to lean down towards his face.

"Because..." He breaths. "I just am."

I roll my eyes. "Let me read in peace."

I lean back up, still annoyed, and start reading my book again.

"Whatcha reading?" Baekhyun asks with his face awkwardly close to mine.

I press my lips together. "Ummmm..."

Baekhyun chuckles and gently takes the book out of my hands.

I panic. "No, Baekhyun, that's not-"

He flips it over, keeping a finger on my page, and looks at the cover.

"This is an English book." Baekhyun reads the text as hard as he can.

"No, it's not a book, it's my-"

"Di-a-a-a-riieee." Baekhyun tilts his head and looks at me. "What is this?"

I shake my head and sntach my diary away from him. "Something you can't read. That no one can read."

Baekhyun sighs. "But it looks so pretty." He eyes the book.

I hold it against my chest. "You can't read it."

"Well, I guess I just have to find a way to make you let me read it." He puts his feet on top if the desk and leans his head back.

I push his feet off the desk. "Don't do that." I scold quietly. "You won't read this. It's nothing interesting."

"What's Diariee?" He asks.

"It's a diary, meaning you can't read it." I smile. I stuff the book inside my book bag and hide it behind me. "Now, go back to doing whatever you were doing."

"You want me to keep kicking you?" Baekhyun smirks.

"Touch me and I will hurt you." I say.

"You don't look intimidating."

I pout. "Well what can I do to make you scared?"

"I don't know."

An idea pops in my head.

I lean closely to his face and rest my chin on my hands. I stare at him with a big smile on my face. He seems to be embarrassed because his cheeks start turning red.

"Oppa!" I cup my cheeks, trying to look cute. "Oppa?"

He chokes. "Eh?"

"Why does Oppa annoy me?" I tilt my head and pout.

He was speechless. "U-uh..."

"Am I fun to annoy? Am I just the type to get teased? Does it make you feel better?"


"Then what?"

"It's something else..." He looks away.


"I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

The bell rings, end of first class.


"See you, Emily." Baekhyun rushes out of the classroom.

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now