Part 19

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This picture is the cutest thing!

Emily's POV

"Good morning, love bug!" Amber and Chanyeol enter the living room.

"Good morning, sis!" Chanyeol yells.

"It's not morning." I mumble with a blanket over my face. "It's not even close."

"It feels like it." I hear Chanyeol say.

"Cuz you woke up 15 minutes ago, you supersized baby!" Amber yells at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol gasps. "THE THUNDER KEPT ME UP!"

"I don't know anymore. I don't care what time of day it is...I don't-I don't know. Why would I need to know..." I groan.

"It's almost 5pm- OW!" Chanyeol gets smacked by Amber. "What! I was just telling her the time!"

"Can't you see? She doesn't care. Go into your room or something and leave us GIRLS alone." Amber scolds.

I hear Chanyeol sigh and walk away. Seconds later, Amber pulls the blanket off of me and sits down next to me.

"What happened last night? And this morning?" She asks.

I pout and cover my face. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Uh-huh...hello, Em, it's me Amber. Your bestie, talk to me." Amber lightly punches my shoulder.

"Why did you leave last night?"

"I needed my charger."

"You could've used mine!"

"But I...didn't want to."

I groan loudly and cover my face again. "I got high..."

Amber burst out into laughter instantly and starts clapping like a retarded seal. "High?"

"Baekhyun said I was..." I argue back like a little kid.

"Oh my gosh. Aha!"

"Why are you laughing? You know I do this!"

"You-Y-You got high! In fr-from of Baek-Hyun...AHAHA I'M DYING! OHHAHAH!" She chokes.

I kick her leg in annoyance. "Yah! Amber!"

"What did you do?"

"I don't know EXACTLY what happened, but I...we ended bed..." I whisper the last part.

Amber's face grows 10x and she gasps. "Bed!? Omo!?! Bed!!! BED!?"

I squirm around nervously. "I don't know! I don't! I don't know! I don't!!"

"Did you? AIGOO! DID you...did you do it?"

"No! No, of course not! No, no, no, no! Definitely not ever!! Never ever! No, no, NO!" I scream. "We just slept. I woke up with his arms around me."

"AWWWWHHHH, THAT'S TOO CUTE FOR MY HEART!" Amber holds her heart.

"No! Well, kinda, but still! He told me he was very comfortable and relaxed because he woke up next to me! ME, AMBER, ME!"

"You know what this means!?"


"Oh my gosh, he likes you! Ahhhu!" Amber squeals making me feel even more embarrassed.

"I've been thinking about that...a lot..."

"What else happened?"

"We made breakfast together...then we watched movies...and I fell asleep-OH MY GOSH ON MY-" I gasp. My dream floods my mind, causing me to almost scream and jump around.

"What?! What!? Tell me, tell me!" Amber shakes me around.

"No, it's super embarrassing. Super, super, super, super, SUPER embarrassing. Even I-I-I can't believe it!" I smack myself around crazily.

"It has something to do with Baekhyun. I know it does." Amber bounces around. "Just tell me!"

"Ugh fine. But promise me you won't make fun of me."

"It's me. Just tell me!"

"I had a dream where Baekhyun and I were watching TV and...Baekhyun said that he was cold and wanted a blanket. See, I was covered in a ton, so I got up and gave him a blanket. But...b-but I tripped-"

"OH, YOU TRIPPED!" Amber squeals and claps her hands.

"Um, anyways, I landed...I landed o-on h-him. Not really on him, but I was like sitting in his lap, sort of thing. The blanket fell on-on top of us and...he started getting all romantic-y."

"Aigoo! Ahh, this is cute! Ugh! I wish I walked in on you two."

I scoff. "Well, I guess you my dream. You caused me to scream 'IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE' and wake up. Apparently, I woke up Baekhyun too and he started getting all worried and asking if I was ok."

"He likes you...and you like him!"

"Stop it, Amber. I don't know yet, this is weird. Really, really, really, really weird." I throw myself onto the pile of blankets and cry.

"Come on, you need to tell him!"

I shoot up from the blanket and give her an intense stare. "YOU'RE JOKING. HAHAHAAA, YOU'RE FUNNY!"

Baekhyun's POV

"Oh! Baekhyun! There you are, you've been gone for quite awhile!" Yuri runs down the stairs when I close the front door.

"Well, mom and dad didn't seem to mind." I mumble to myself.



"So what did you do with Emily? Did she mention me? How was the breakfast? Did you two do anything together? What happened this morning?" Yuri scares me with all the questions.

I shrug. "Just had breakfast and watch some movies."

"Oooo, what movies?"

"Just random."

"Uh huh, so what happened this morning?"

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "No-Nothing, I'm going to my room. B-Bye."

I fast walk to my room and ignore everything. I close the door in my room and go on my phone.

Baekhyun: Hey, Kai?

Kai: Yes?

Baekhyun: Come over right now, I have horrible news

Kai: Ok, I'll be over soon

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