Part 23

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It's been awhile, sorry! I'm back with this cute chapter, well in my opinion I think it's cute. Just like the picture of him anyways...continue........

Emily's POV

"What are the pros and cons of dating Baekhyun?" I ask myself. "Would I be the lucky one or will he?"

"You're both lucky." Amber says.

"Is Baekhyun really who I think he is?" I question. "Is he all nice or all bad? What are the pros or cons?"

Yuri snorts. "Don't bury yourself in that ditch."

"What is that suppose to mean?" I ask her.

"Well, Baekhyun is a great big brother and all, but he can sometimes be so frustrating and annoying." Yuri says, making me shift unconformably.

"Um, maybe I won't say yes yet-maybe I should wait."

"No! Emily, no! Everyone has their bad sides! Baekhyun is seriously the best person ever, give him a chance. Why not? You like him...he likes you." Yuri nudges my elbow.

"What can hurt you, anyways? You two already have a funny past, why not make future too?" Amber adds.

I nod. "Good point."

"What happened?" Yuri scoots over to Amber.

"When Baek-"


"Oooohh, juicy. One of you guys are gonna tell me...or I'll ask Baekhyun." Yuri rubs his hands together mischievously.

"I'll tell you later." Amber says.

I slump deeper into the couch cushions.

"Anyways! Yeah, he asked you. It's not like you're gonna ask him. Even if you did, you would probably do it in a more romantic place and not in a hallway." Amber jokes.

I gasp. "Oh my gosh, is Baekhyun still in the hallway?"

"GURRRLLL! What are you doing talking to us?" Yuri shoos me away.

I stand up and hesitate. "Actually, you know what-"


I sigh before walking to the hallway. As I took each step, my mind was already completely dazed and out with rainbows and flowers and love. I'm have like...the weirdest insides ever.

The kiss was like a famous fairy tail in my head. Like, it's been a while since it happened, but it will never die and it's the magical story that couples say to each other. LIKE ROMEO AND JULIET! Aigoo! I can't stop smiling.

I don't find Baekhyun anywhere, but I did hear soft snoring coming from my bedroom.

"Great, he fell asleep, didn't he?" Yuri yells from the living room.

"Aish, I wonder what happened this morning." Amber teases.

"That Baekhyun is so lazy!" Yuri scolds.

I ignore them and move on. I slowly open the door to my room and peek inside. The lights were off and the sun coming from the door highlighted his face perfectly. Oh, his face, his cute face that KISSED MINE! Oh, sorry, excuse me. Anyways, I quietly close the door and completely lose it.

I run to the living room and hop onto the couch. "Guys, I can't I can't! I can't tell Baekhyun 'yes', I'm chickening out! He's sleeping on my bed and I thought he was cute and I'm surprised at myself because I-I never felt this way before because no one has ever kissed me and confessed AT THE SAME TIME to me before! What do I do? Do I wait? What if he forgets everything? What if he-"

"Emily, calm yourself. What has gotten into you?" Amber smacks me around lightly.

"He has, Amber. And it's my fault that I'm stressing out about it with my whole body. Just...when I saw him, all these thoughts came to my mind about how I could say 'yes' or how he could change his mind or something." I grip my hair and shake my head.

Yuri groans. "That's your mind being all 'mom-like'. He's not going to change his mind, he's not going to forget about anything, and HE'S NOT GOING TO HATE YOU!"

"That's right," Baekhyun appears in the arch of the hallway with a hand ruffling his messy hair. "But why would I hate you?"

I open my mouth in shock, while Amber and Yuri just giggle.

"Uhhhh, well, Yuri? Want to go check out my new...uh...soap I bought. It smells good." Amber gets up.

"Really? I thought that was a rumor!" They both run out of the room, leaving Baekhyun staring at me with his OH-SO ADORABLE eyes.

"Di-Did we interrupt you?" I ask while looking at the ground.

"No, I wasn't asleep." I feel his presence coming towards me.

My chest tightens as he sits next to me, his eyes burning his way deeper into my nervous little soul.

"So, Emily..." His voice sounds like the soothing sound of rain in the early morning. "What's going on with you?"

"Yes." I blurt out. "YES, YES, YES!"

"Huh? Yes, what?"

"Oh my goodness!" I scream and cover my face. "I can't believe I just yelled like that, I'm sorry!"

Baekhyun grabs my hands and holds them to his chest. "What are you saying sorry about?"

"I'm so bad at this. It's so embarrassing." I confess quietly.

He smiles and chuckles. "I find it cute. And I'm glad you're mine now."

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