Part 26

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Emily's POV

I sat in the classroom. I don't even want to think about what happened yesterday.

"Honey, I saw you and Baekhyun together at dinner." My mom says and smiles.

I nod slowly. "Yes..."

"I think it's cute. He's like a big brother to you. I always think he would a brother to you, not a relationship, I don't know why, but I think Baekhyun would be a better brother." My mom laughs.

I widen my eyes in disbelief. What? How is this possible?

Well so much for telling my parents...

I rest my head on my hands while I stare out the window.

How could my mom just say that and look so casual? I feel so embarassed even though she doesn't know...yet. It makes me wonder if it was something Baekhyun's parents told her.

I was so caught up in my situation that I didn't notice Baekhyun taking a seat next to me.

He kisses my cheek and I gasp.

"Baekhyun-ah, aigoo, I didn't see you there." I cover my cheeks.

He smiles and kisses my nose. "That's ok. I like greeting you with a kiss."

I blush even more and close my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks and tries to find my face.

I shake my head. "Nothing's wrong."

"Really?" Baekhyun scoots closer to me and sneaks his hand into mine. "Are you sure? You seem mad."

I sigh. "I'm not really mad. I'm just thinking a lot."

"Whatcha thinking?" He smiles and leans in closer.

Amber lets out a loud cough.

We ignore her.

"Eh?" I shrug.

"Tell me before the teacher starts teaching." Baekhyun whispers into my ear.

I start getting goosebumps so I just give in.

"After that surprise dinner with our parents, my mom stopped by at my room at night and...had a talk." I start off while playing with my fingers and his.

"What happened? Did you tell her about us?"

"N-No, I freaked out because she told me that she thinks of you as a big brother to me." I say the last part quickly.

Baekhyun leans back in his chair. "Oh....that I did not see coming."

"But she doesn't know. She doesn't see how much you're trying!" I say and grab his sweater vest.

He sits still. "Yeah, true true."

"Please, Baekhyun, it doesn't matter. She was probably joking around. She always jokes around. It doesn't matter what my mom thinks anyways." I hug his chest. "She's just trying to be all 21st century with me."

He puts his arm around me. "You make me happy, Emily."

"Did you tell your parents?" I ask him.

"No, I didn't get the chance either. My parents passed out right after dinner and Yuri kept teasing me." Baekhyun breaths and removes his arm away from my shoulder.

"I told Chanyeol all about it and he laughed." Amber joins the conversation.

I scoff. "Please, I forgot what he did yesterday."

"He disappeared off the face of the Earth." Amber answers.

"Are you worried about him?" Baekhyun asks.

I shake my head. "No, not really. He's old enough to take care of himself. I bet he's with a friend."

Chanyeol's POV

I knock glasses with my new friend, Yixing, but he reminds me of a unicorn. I like unicorns.

I take a shot of my like 1937th drink and it hold it up. "AHA! MY CUP CHANGED CLOTHES! IT WAS RED AND NOW IT'S SEE THROUGH!"

Everyone laughs and cheers.

This one pretty girl stands up on top of the table and starts singing "Starships" by Nicki Minaj.

I sing along and start rapping along to the beat.

This one girl grabs my leg. "I LOVE YOUR VOICE, CHANYEOL!!!" She screeches and starts laughing.

I wave to her. "Thank you, my child!"

She screams her head off and other girls start grabbing for my legs.

Emily's POV

"Bye, Emily, see you at lunch." Baekhyun kisses my cheek and leaves for his next class.

I watch him leave while I hold my cheek where he kissed.

"YOO!!! EMILY STOP BEING SO BLUSHY!" One of my friends from my 3rd class hugs me from behind.

"Aishh, Umji, don't ruin the moment." I say.

"Well, you seem to be loving this new guy."

I shrug. "Ye-Yeah. He's so cute because he's trying so hard to prove to me that he can be a good boyfriend."

"Awh, he's trying. Aha." Umji teases.

"Whatever, let's go before we're late." I mumble and pull her to our next class.

Baekhyun's POV

"Dude, how do you have a girlfriend before me?" Kai asks while patting my back.

"I know how to stick to one. You go around." I say and pat his back.

"Seems like you're getting the hang of it."

I nod. "Yes, I'm trying so hard."

"That explains." D.O interrupts us.

"Yah! She seems to like it!" I yell.

Students give us weird looks, so we just huddle down together.

"Anyways, she's not complaining and I think I'm doing a good job so far. As long as I don't hurt her IN ANY WAY, we'll be fine." I say.

Kai and D.O laugh.


"Nothing, but good luck with that." Kai says with a snicker.

"I won't cheat on her. Look at me! Do I look like someone that would go around hooking up with girls just like that?" I point to myself.

Kai and D.O laugh even more and I just throw a pencil at them.

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