Part 9

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Baekhyun's POV

Only second period?! Aish, this day is going so slowly! I can't believe I'm getting this fed up with school already. It's all because of stupid Emily, being don't know! Herself, she's being too nice to me! Right, she's being so kind and shy at the same time. I don't understand girls. At first they are shy and really awkward, then the next thing you know they are messing with your feelings! My feelings! She is messing with my feelings! She-She totally meant to make me so flustered!

"Hey, Baekhyun. You doing ok?"

Speaking of the queen. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah." I clear my throat and look at her. I suck in my breath and look away.

She tilts her head in a very adorable way. "What's going on?"

I shrug.

"Awh, you're getting red." She smiles.

I turn to look at that smile that seems to make my heart smile too. I cover my face and groan loudly.

"Aigoo, Emily, why are you so clingy?" I let out quietly.

"What do you mean?"

Before I could answer, our teacher yells out directions for some book essay.

Emily gives me this sympathetic smile and pats my shoulder.

What do you do with a girl like her?

Emily's POV

"School lunch is just a nicer way to say 'inedible, but won't kill you'." Amber laughs at her own joke. She hits my arm multible while choking in her own laughs.

"Yah! You're bruising me!" I kitty-fight her with dramatic faces. "If you hate lunch so much, why don't you bring some from home?"

"I just...don't feel like it." Amber points to someone. "Hey, isn't that Baekhyun. Look he's sitting alone, go-"

Amber pushes me out of line and towards Baekhyun.

Students give me looks and I try to smile, but it comes out like a weird pouty smile. Great job, Emily.

I make my way over to Baekhyun.

"Yo, Emily. Thought I wasn't going to be able to meet you today." A stranger puts his arm around my shoulder.

My usual kind and shy self, I didn't shake him off or call him out.

"Hello?" I say shyly.

The guy, actually kind of good-looking, gives me a small smile. "Hello, my name is Kai, sorry if I'm being a creep..."

Baekhyun sees us and he immediately shoots up and looks at us.

"Kai? Emily? What's this?"

Kai looks at me and smiles. "Just wanna meet your girlfriend."

My heart drops. "Gir-Girlfr-"

"She is not my girlfriend. Aha, please, she could never be." Baekhyun laughs loudly, causing me to flinch.

Wow, that one actually hurt. Wow...

"Bro, why so harsh? Where's the respect? Didn't anyone teach you how to be a gentleman?" Kai scoffs and looks to me. "I'm sorry..."

I look up at Baekhyun and try not to let the ends of my mouth lower.

Baekhyun changes his expression and looks at me with big eyes. "No, no, I didn't mean- I didn't mean it like that, I-I-"

I shake by head. "I'm going to" I walk away from him and his friend. Good friend...very much...barely a friend.

Amber sees me sulking, so she runs up to me and throws an apple at me.

"Eat up, apples are good for you." She pats my back really hard. "Or you can throw it at your Bae."

I scoff. "Aish!" I thow my apple at her and she laughs it off.

"Don't worry, I'll go smack that big manly bag of thorns." Amber starts walking but I pull her back by her collar.

"Don't make things worse. Let's just forget it...I mean... It's not like I want to date him or-or anything. I mean, ahsgahagahahah pppssshhhhh who caaaarrreeesss." I try my hardest to laugh and give a smile.

"Uh huh, yeah."


"Hey! Hey! Em-Emily! Slow down!" I hear Baekhyun shouting from behind me.

I sigh deeply. He catches up and leans down, out of breath.

"What is it?" I mumble.

"Where's Amber?"

"With her brother and my brother."

"Oh, well, I didn't want to let you walk home alone. You don't know all the scary people that can hurt you."

I stop and Baekhyun stops walking too. I look up at him with a expressionless face.

"Why do you care if I get hurt or anything?" I ask.

Baekhyun blinks. "What do you mean? I-"

"We barely know each other." I state plainly, still no expression of being happy or sad.

Baekhyun stays silent, but he kept looking at me like he was try to give me a hint.

"Emily...I don't want you to get hurt."

"Hmm? Really?" This time I turn away and start walking again.

Baekhyun's hand reaches for my wrist and pulls me back into a big hug.

His arms were wrapped around me, like he was protecting me and his head was resting right next to mine.

"I don't want you to go before I could tell you..."

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