Part 13

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Baekhyun's POV's storming outside and I AM STUCK IN A HOUSE WITH TWO GIRLS I BARELY KNOW! What am I going to do? I was never in a situation like this! If only Kai was here....he would know what to do.

I look to Emily and just realized that she was still clinging to me. AND MY ARM WAS AROUND HER! Ok, this is weird, yet, I can't seem to remove my hands away from her. I feel like I'm...protecting her sort of. She looked very scared. Her eyes were shut tight, I could notice her lips trembling. She looked cute. In a friend way, not a "I would date her" sort of way, duh.

The rain quiets down after what felt like decades. Emily looks up at me with huge eyes.

Do you wanna know the funny part? That was all she did. She just stopped time and stared at me with those big sparkly eyes.

And do you wanna know the funniest part? I did too. I stared down at her right back.

The rain comes back, but this time, it was a soothing sound.

My face was burning, my insides were trembling, butterflies made a home in my stomach. I was getting nervous, I was getting hot. I was slowly starting to panic, but I stayed in my same still position, just...looking at her look at me.

"You're staring at me weirdly." My voice back to working again. And that's what I decided to say. Call me clever?

She smiles brightly. Her small mouth lets out a small giggle.

"I guess the feelings mutual." Emily says.

My heart stops. Huh? What does she mean by that? Mutual? Is that...does she she saying...

"Y'all love bird gon make me puke." Amber yells, interrupting my panic thoughts.

We let go of each other and LITERALLY pretended nothing happened. There was no spark, no connection between anything, no love booking out of us, no fireworks or passion. It was all weird for me.

I sneak one glance at her. She was messing around with her foot. The longer I look at her, the more I start to question my feelings about her.

I shake my head. No, it can't be.

"Let's finish our homework." Emily suggests.

I nod. "Uh, yes."


Ok, homework is finished. Now what?

I sneak a glance at Emily and see she was yawning. Her eyes were half-closed and her body was limpy, she looked very tired. Aigoo, she looks so cute right now!

Amber stands up. "I'm going my house to get my phone charger. I'll be back."

"What about mine?" Emily says.

"Mine charges faster. Plus, I'm getting bored. Wish me luck." Amber grabs a raincoat and walks out of the room.

Just like that. It's me and Emily alone in a dim room. And just like that, here comes the butterflies.

Emily puts away all of our homework away in a safe place and sits down on the bed again. To this point, her eyes were closed and her breathing was very slow and heavy.

"Hmm...Baek-hyun...." She starts swaying back and fourth like she's about to fall asleep.

My heart stops as she calls my name. "Y-Yes?"

"I'm tired." She says like a 5 y/o. Suddenly, she starts giggling crazily, but very cutely. She opens her eyes slowly and looks at me. Her eyes looking deep into my soul, looking for an answer.

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask, getting up from the bed.

"No, no, don't leave me here in the dark and cold, Oppa." She crawls to me still on the bed.

I choke on every liquid in my mouth. "Ahkk, Op-Oppa? Did you just call me Oppa?"

"Aha, yeah I did. Why? Did it make you...tingly?" She tilts her head and sits down on the edge of the bed, looking up at me with such an innocent face.

I was completely flustered. I shook my head. "N-No, why?"

"Well, because you're staring at me with such love in your eyes."

She's drunk. I have come to a conclusion. "Emily gets drunk when she's tired" It pops into my mind making me panic inside. "Emily+Tired=Drunk"

I start stressing on what I should do. I really did not want to respond in ANY sort of way to her question.

As I was trying to find a way to escape this conversation, Emily stands up and walks closer to me. I gulp down my thoughts and eye her every move.

"Oppa. Oppa. Oppa." She laughs again. "Baekie. Baekie. Baekhyun. Bacon."

"Emily, are you ok?" I ask while backing away.

"Duh, why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem drunk?" I blurt.

She laughs loudly. "Aha, that's like calling you flirty just for being nice to me."

My eyes widen. "What are you saying?"

"I like you, Baekie-poo. I like your face. I like your hair. I like your eyes, nose, lips, THE WAY YOU USED TO TOUCH MY SKIN! YOUR HEAD DOWN TO YOUR TOOOESSSS!"

I was in total shock. I couldn't process anything after she starts singing to Eric Nam's English Version to "Eyes, Nose, Lips" by Taeyang. She's singing that song right? That better be a song!

"It's like your standing right in front of me now..." Her face comes closer to me. So close that I can see her pupils.

Her voice, it was so nice. Other than what happened before, she sings very well. Her voice was very smooth and full of passion.

Before I know it, we were singing together. A legit duet.

"In your eyes, nose, lips, the way you used to touch my skin, your head down to your toes. It's like your standing right in front of me now..."

A smile forms on her face.

"So you're the mysterious singer."

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now