Part 22

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Quick part. I'm really busy lately, so this wasn't edited so please, if there are any mistakes, don't be that one person and points it out.
Thank you

Emily's POV

Oh no, he's walking fast. Is he mad?

These thoughts scare my mind so much, I start panicking.

"Baekhyun, I-" I was cut off by a kiss.

A kiss? What? Did he just kiss me? Why would he kiss me? What am I saying? Does he like me? Well, duh, he would kiss me if he liked me? Aigoo! Aigoo! Aigoo! HE JUST KISSED ME, HE JUST KISSED ME! HIS LIPS JUST TOUCHED MINE! HE JUST KISSED ME! I'M ABOUT TO GO CRAZY!

His lips were so soft on mine, I couldn't believe I never gave him this much credit. The passion was real, it seemed like he was wanting this for so long. Even I'm surprised, this is 2nd kiss, but this was incredible. I felt like I was in a drama or something.

His hands grip my waist and my arms freeze in midair, not knowing where they should go. Thanks, it's not my first time...

(I'm being sarcastic BTW)

Our lips move in perct sync once I finally give in and kiss him back. Once he feels me giving in, he presses our bodies together closely and his hands travel from my waist to my cheeks and he cups them gently.

Everything was going fine, my heart was thumping slowly and I couldn't help but smile through the kiss. He smiles too and starts deepen the kiss.

"E-Excuse me, I'm just gonna get...uh...Amber out of the closet, don't mind me." Yuri sneaks past us and opens the closet door.

Amber takes one glance at us and starts giggling like crazy.

Baekhyun lets out a short sigh before pulling away. I was so mesmerized in the moment, but FRIGGIN AMBER!

Baekhyun looks at Yuri and Amber tiptoeing out of the hallway, while whispering.

I felt so embarrassed, what am I going to do when he looks back at me. What is he going to say? What am I going to say? What if I pass out?!

He turns around and my eyes widen.

"Emily..." He whispers and rests his forehead on mine.

"Wha-What, why?" I stutter. My heart was booming out of me, but these were the only words that I could think of.

"I....I like you too." He says while smiling.

I return his eye smile and look away. Blood was rushing up my cheeks so fast, it's burning a lot.

"Will you tell me what happened in your dream?" He asks suddenly, his smile never disappearing.

I look at him in shock. My smile fades and I furrow my eyebrows.

"My dream? You're asking about my dream?" I question.

"Yes, what was it about? The one where you screamed and woke up today." He asks.

I sigh. "It was nothing."

"Really-" I cut him off with peck on the lips.

"Why did you do that?" He asks.

"I-uh, well, um, yo-you started it." I say while dropping my arms.

"I'll get it out of you sometime. I know it was about me." He smiles and gives me a hug.

Ok, ok, I know I'm not experienced on this whole dating thing, but you don't ask a girl what she dreamed about after giving her a first kiss, right? Right!? That's weird! Especially when the kiss was so magical and don't just open up with "What did you dream about"...I know THAT much.

"I'm going to get fresh air, Bae-Baekhyun." I say and rush out of the burning place which people call hallways, but now what I call "NOT SOUNDPROOF".

I run into the living room where Yuri and Amber was.

"Hey, you! What are you doing out here?" Yuri asks.

"I can't. I'm gonna pass out from this thing. Be right back." I say quickly and rush outside.

Amber follows behind me and stops by my side. "Hey, Emily, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just me. I really need to turn off that heater." I say.

Amber shrugs. "How was the kiss?"

"I don't know, magical! Magical, it was amazing, it was totally something I didn't see coming and that just somehow made things even more romantic. I'm sorry! I don't know what's my problem! Baekhyun was being funny, I guess. He asked me what I dreamed about like right after...."

"That's weird...but did he tell you that he likes you back?"

I bid happily. "He did! He did!"

She claps. "That's amazing!"

"You planned this, didn't you? You and Yuri planned this?" I cross my arms.

"Whaaaaaat? Nooooooo, of course not- OK yeah we did, but do you blame us? Look now you two are dating-"

"Dating? WHOAHOHOHO, that he didn't do?"

"WHAT?" Yuri screams from inside the house. "BAEKHYUN! WHERE ARE YOU!?" We hear stomping.

"I probably ran out of there before..." I whisper.

"Do you want to go out with him?" She asks me.

I sigh.


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