Part 14

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Baekhyun's POV

"So you're the mysterious singer." A smile forms on her face as she talks.

"Mysterious singer?"

She nods happily. "You're the one singing so loudly really randomly."

I lean back into my seat in confusion.

Emily hears me when I'm singing? Yuri barely hears me. My parents are used to it and they don't comment at all on my singing. Only during actual performances at school or something. I didn't think I sang THAT loudly....

"You hear me?" I question again, still not processing that fact that Emily has the ears of a bat.

She nods again and leans in closer to my face. "Yes, and I love it."

I choke on my own sit. "Lo-Love it?"

"So much, Oppa, you sound like a famous vocalist. Your voice is like a cool breeze brushing against leaves. Like clear water waves against the sand. Like a lullaby to make all the babies in the world to fall asleep peacefully." Her eyes filled with passion.

I don't know how to respond to such feedback. I was really taken back with how much she "loves" my voice. But then again, she is all high right now. But I also have a strong feeling in my heart that she isn't lying. BUUUTTT I dooooooo sound amazing hehehehehe

"Th-Thank you, haha, that's great to hear." I say nervously.

Oh my gosh, her face is like...inches away from mine. Aigoo, I could see the sparkle in her eyes glistening. I am flustered right now. I feel like I can't move a muscle.

"Boo." She coos like a little cutie.

My luck hasn't always been nice to me recently. Of course, I just HAPPEN to fall off the bed.

Emily falls back laughing. I lay on the ground with my legs still on the bed. Instead of pain, I start to feel a tingly feeling in my stomach. I start laughing along with Emily and we both laugh for a good 5 minutes.

"Agh! You should've seen your face! You-You looked so scared!" Emily looks over me from the bed.

I press my lips together. "You little trickster!" I launch myself up and tackle Emily on the bed.

Emily looks at me with no sign of fear anywhere in her face. It was like...she trusts me?

"You saw it coming. Did you think u was going to kiss you?" She says in between laughs.

I shrug and smile. "I don't know. Something's coming for sure, though."


"This!" I yell and start tickling her sides.

I reget doing that.

Emily bursts out into loud laughs and pushes me off of her. I fall onto the floor again and a let out a loud grunt.

"Oh I'm sorry!!" Emily yells to me ad she peeks over the edge of the bed to look at me. "I'm really ticklish, it could be dangerous sometimes."

"Yeah, she freaking punched me in the nose last summer. I had to wear a nose cast for a month." A voice startles both me and Emily.

"CHANYEOL!!!" Emily screams and runs out of the room in a flash.

Awh, she left. Wait no, I'm not upset. But I did have fun with her. Like, I'm not desperate or anything...but I felt really confotable around her just now. Just now, I felt like we were great friends.

"Oh, aha, there are three." She smiles innocently.

"What's #3?"

"Teasing. The most obvious one!"

Then it hit me. Like a bus.

Nope, it can't be. Boys tease girls. It's just life. I don't tease her like that. It's just payback...

I stand up and fix my hair and shirt. I walk out of the room and see no one. Ok, they left me. I walk towards the living room.

"Oh, Baekhyun! Do me a favor!" Amber yells as she sees me.

I gulp. "Yes?"

The tall dude looks to me. "Baekhyun, right?"

I nod.

"Well, you don't look too strong, Amber, just let me do it." Chanyeol picks up a sleeping Emily bridal style.

Amber smacks his shoulder. "You big bug!" She yells. "I need you to go to the store with me. I need- oh I mean we need more food."

Chanyeol looks to me again and sighs. "Fine. Don't mess with her." He walks towards me with Emily in his arms still.

"Wait, what do you want me to do? I-I don't know what to do!" I stutter.

Chanyeol chuckles. "You're a man."

Next thing I know, I'm standing alone in a house with Emily peacefully sleeping in my arms. I stand in my same exact spot, completely dumbfounded.

Emily snuggles herself into my chest and I let out a helpless wimper.

"What to do! What to do! What to do!" I cry as I slowly walk up the stairs.

I try not to make a sound. But every step I take, there's a small squeak that follows. And everytime, Emily holds on tighter to me with her free hand.

After going through the Oregon Trail, I finally make it to her room. I softly place her lifeless body on her bed.

"Ohh..." She breaths as I lay her down.

"Go to sleep, Emily." I whisper to her.

I turn around to turn off the lights, but a hand reaches for my sweater and pulls me back. I didn't want to say anything that MIGHT wake her up, so I just turned back around.

Because I have the best luck, and no sarcasm AT ALL, Emily pulls me down right next to her.

"Emily, what are you-"

"Go to sleep, Baekhyun." Was what she said before falling fast asleep.

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now