Part 24

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Emily's POV

I swear I turned blood red in seconds after he said that I was "his". Oh my gosh, I don't think I can even explain how awkward, yet happy I am right now. What do I say now? What do I do now? I might embarrass myself....again.

I seriously couldn't talk, or look at him in the face. I kept avoiding his gaze and looking at something else.

Amber and Yuri walk into the room and they stop in their tracks when they see us still talking.

"Uuuummmm," Yuri looks at her hands. "My hands are still wet."

"Yeah, moist, let's go dry them again." Amber says quickly and they run back.

I hear Baekhyun quietly laugh, but I still didn't want to look at him. Yeah yeah yeah, we're dating, blah blah blah, I seriously can NOT stop my heart from killing my chest.

"Emily? You ok?" He asks, trying to find my face.

I nod, turning my head the opposite of his. "I-I'm fine."

"Why won't you look at me?"

"I don't think I can move right now." I confess.

Just before another awkward silence passes by, Baekhyun's hand moves to my chin and gently turns me so I'm facing him.

Ok, I'm officially dying from the amount of blood going to my head. Aigoo!!!!!!

I push myself so much just to look at him. I even try to look cute by making my eyes bigger and my lips pouty, but you know me....miss "no experience".

"Awh, look at you doing aegyo. (Being cute)." Baekhyun smiles and pokes my cheek.

Come on, man, you're making me blush so much already. AGH THE FEELS!

His hand is still under my chin and he's still staring at me like I was a cute and fluffy dog. My brain was shut off and the only thing working inside me was my heart, but it was too dangerous to just let my heart take over. Who knows what I'll do? I might run away to America and change my name to "Coffee".....or "Monica".

"Say something, so I know you're still alive." He whispers.

"Hi." I whisper. It was the first thing that came to my mind.

He does this rectangle smile. "Were you always this cute?"

I shrug. "I don't know."

"Well, I guess I'm the lucky one."

Amber's POV

"Do you think they're finished?" Yuri asks me while peeking through the bathroom door.

"You know, we don't need to be in the bathroom. Let's go see how they're doing." I say and dry my hands with a towel.

"Nope, I can't let you go out there. Only I can go." Yuri says.

I scoff. "What? How come?"

"You're going to ruin the moment."


"You might giggle or whisper or do something that might interrupt them."
"Hey, you do that! Like when they had their first kiss and you just slipped in and said 'I'm not here'." I mock.

"I was saving your butt from a closet!"

"Ok, ok, fine. We BOTH won't go out there until they finish." I say.

We both groan and flop down on the hallway floor.

"What should we do now?" Yuri asks.

"I don't know."

"Let's just have one peek at them."


"Just one quick one."

"Ok, fine. But we have to be quiet."


"100% promise?"

"Yes, yes! Come on now!"

We both quietly make our way to the living room. I peek over the wall first and they weren't there.

"Ugh! Great, they're gone. We took too long!" I stomp my feet in frustration. "You just had to be all safe."

"What are you saying?! You're the one being all grownupy and mature, now they're gone." Yuri argues and I cross my arms.

"Let's just go..."

We both look around the house for them and we find out they're not in the house.

"Unnie! Their shoes aren't even here, how dumb are we?" Yuri yells and points to the show rack.



"Ok, ok, fine, let's just forget it. They're probably at your house." I say and we head outside.

"Hey, my parents aren't home!" Yuri screams.


"Our car is gone. Why is everyone leaving us!?"

Baekhyun's POV

I grip Emily's hand and I dash out of the house.

"Omo, yah Baekhyun-ah! What is this?!" She gasps and she tries to run with me.

I was going to take her to my home and tell my parents about us. I've never been this excited before. I've never been so eager to tell my parents about a girl. Because it doesn't happen often...but this will make them proud!

I run outside and see my parent's car missing from the driveway.

"Why are you rushing? It was so nice just minutes ago. Aish, you're scaring me, really, Baekhyun." Emily mumbles while fixing her hair.

"Aiya, where are my parents? I can't believe this. Ok, never mind that, let's go inside before it starts raining again." I say and I pull her inside my house.

"What's going on with you, Baekhyun? Seriously, you're scaring me. Are you ok?" Emily says, making me smile.

I take her hands and I lean closer to her. I could see her cheeks turning red and her eyes getting big. It was honestly so cute, geez.

"I just wanted to show my parents that I won the lottery." I say. Oh my gosh, how BAD am I at pick up lines.

"Awhh, you're so sweet, but keep working on it." She pats my cheek.

I start turning red like she did. "Can I kiss you?"

"You can't ask me that!"

"Why not?"

"What am I suppose to say? It's awkward when you ask..."

"Ok, then.....I don't need to ask to kiss you?" I tilt my head.

"Ahhh," She squeals and looks down. "Baekhyun, don't ask me these questions, it's so embarrassing for me."


"Yeah! How would you feel if I asked you it. Hey, Oppa, can I kiss you?" Emily says and I smirk.

"Well-" I chuckle.

"It's embarassing for me, I'm sorry. Because I don't know what to say." She cover her cheeks.

"Emily, don't get mad at me then..." I whisper and lean in.

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now