Part 27

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Emily's POV

"Emily! Let's walk home together!" Baekhyun yells as soon as I walk out of my last class.

I avoid looks from the other students as I try to make my way through the crowd.

"Baekhyun-ah, you're embarrassing me." I whisper to him.

"Ah, don't worry, you'll get used to it." He kisses my nose. "Let's go home together."

"Ok, but let's wait for Amber."

Baekhyun's phone buzzes and he takes it out.

"I also need to pick Yuri up." He says.

"Where's her school?"

"Not far, it's close by."

Amber comes running down the hall and towards us.

"Amber, slow down, we're not in a rush." I say.

"Can we go soon? Like now!" She asks, out of breath.

"Why?" Baekhyun and I question.

"Chanyeol's 1st period teacher came up to me and asked about Chanyeol. I told him that he should ask you, then he said he couldn't find you. So I said....that Chanyeol was....out of town at a camp for k-idols. Can we go before he finds me again and ask for more info?" She says while looking behind her. "He was about to ask for an autograph."

We both nod and rush out of the school.

"Do you have any idea where Chanyeol might be?" I ask while running. "I heard his partner in science was Bae Sowon, his crush. He wouldn't miss a single second for that.

"I wouldn't." Baekhyun mumbles.

I smack his shoulder.

"I have no idea, but knowing Chanyeol, he's probably sleeping or at the museum."

"Oh, he's a nerd?" Baekhyun laughs.

"No, he only goes to pretend he knows what he's talking about. One time, he told someone that America was made up to cover up Canada's lost of bacon."

"Emily! Baekie!" Yuri screams and runs towards us.

We both hug her at the same time.

"I need details! How was the kiss?" Yuri screams, causing some adults and little kids to look at us.

Baekhyun nervously laughs and picks Yuri up. "Let's start walking home."

As we were walking home, Yuri kept making all these jokes to embarass us.

"I bet it was a French Kiss." Yuri says. "It couldn't be a peck. Baekhyun was TOO into for it to just be a-"

"How do you know this? What are you learning in school!?" Amber screams.

"I'm learning a lot of stuff. I'm also learning about America. I learned about Miley Cyrus and Beyonce." Yuri sings.

Amber scoffs. "Oh yeah? have you heard about One Direction?"

Baekhyun holds my hand tighter and drags me away from Amber.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"No where, just away from Dumb and Dumber."

I laugh at his remark. "Ok."

We arrive at our homes and we separate.

"Amber!" Someone yells.

We turn our heads and we see Sehun driving right by us.

"Oh Sehun! I haven't seen you in 3 days!" Amber says while crossing her arms.

"Sorry, but I don't think that'll be a problem anymore." He says, looking down.

"Why? And why aren't you with your girlfriend?"

"We broke up. Apparently, she went out partying and met a guy. Do you know WHO DAFUDGE IS NICKI MINAJ?"

Amber's face softens. "Awh, my poor big brother. Want to go get some ice cream?"

"Yes, please." He mumbles.

Amber hops into the car and they wave to me and drive off.

I enter my house and see my mom talking on the phone.

"Hey, sweetie! I was just talking about you. Actually you and Baekhyun." She hangs up the phone.

I sit down across from her. "Yeah?"

"You and Baekhyun seem to be spending a lot of time together. I noticed you waking home with Baekhyun. He's like a big brother you never had." She says and holds my hand.

"Mom! What about Chanyeol?"

"Oh yeah, omo, where is he?"

"I don't know, probably at school...still."

"But still, it was cute. He seems to really like you."

I sigh. "Mom, what if Baekhyun isn't like a brother to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Like, what if he liked me more than a brotherly way?" I say.

My mom gasps and puts her hands on her cheeks.

I nod.

"Does he make you feel like a princess?" She asks.

I shrug. "I guess you could say-"

"Awh, is he like your uncle!"

"Ye-wait, what, no!"

"Seriously, not the fun and funny uncle that gives you awesome gifts every time they visit?"

"He's fun and funny, but he's not like an uncle to me. He's actually my-"

The phone's ringing cuts me off.

"Oh sorry, hun, let me get that." My mom runs to the phone and picks up. "Hello?"

"Anyways, mom just hear me out, please. Baekhyun likes me in a more than a friend and family way. We're actually dat-"

"Oh my goodness, CHANYEOL! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! You know what, don't even talk at all. Just tell me where you are......ok I'm going now and you better have an explanation ready!" My mom scolds.

"Mom? M-Mom?" I try to get her attention, but it doesn't work.

She grabs her keys and heads out the door.

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