Part 29

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Emily's POV

I rush off to school without waiting for Baekhyun. I...kind of feel embarrassed for not being able to tell my mom. I really need to stop stressing out!

All last night, my mom was so mad at Chanyeol that her vein in her forehead was popping out! If I told her that I was dating, she would set our house on fire.

I frown while going to my first class. I make a depressing talk with a friend that I made yesterday. She's a cheerleader and she scared the fudge out of me by doing a front flip in front of me. That's how we became friends....

"Gosh, Emily, you're so sad right now. It's really killing my mood." Serri flips her hair around. "I think I know what you need."

I turn to her. "What?"

"I think you need a makeover! I'll give you a makeover!" She squeals for 3 seconds and claps her hands.

"Did you not hear my problem?"

"Yes, of course I did, sweet cheeks, but a makeover would totally solve your problem, you just gotta think about it." Serri puts her arm around my neck and points to nothing. "Your mom thinks of you as such a young and innocent girl, with your brown slightly curled hair, pale skin, modest attitude. If you get a makeover, I can make your eyes fiercer than tiger's, I can make your ha- actually your hair is fine. I just need to make you look so grown up and ready to be ready. Then, your mom would see her little girl isn't a little girl anymore and she'll be more easy on you having a boyfriend."

Whoa, she has a point.

I stare at her in awe. "I never knew you were that smart. Ok, yeah, can we do it at lunch?"

"Of course! Good thing I always have my beauty kit. Oh, you're going to look so fabulous!" She gives me a quick hug before the teacher sees.

Baekhyun's POV

"Emily wasn't with me in the morning. I couldn't see her in the halls, and now she isn't even in the lunchroom. I think she's avoiding me." I grumble like a mad 5 year old.

Kai rolls his eyes. "She's playing hard to get."

"Huh? Of course not!" D.O shakes his hands and head.

"What do you think is happening?" I ask him.

"Well, maybe she's nervous to see you because you that you wouldn't tell your parents until she tells her, right?" D.O says and I nod.

"But I didn't tell her. I didn't even get a chance to even hint it a little." I add.

"Yeah, but she probably didn't get the chance to tell her parents and now she doesn't want to face you until she has." D.O says seriously.

Kai laughs and I laugh nervously with him.

"What? I-I'm not kidd-"

Kai pats his back and continues laughing hard. "You're funny, D.O. That can't be true, though."

"What's your advice, Kai?" I ask him.

"She wants more, Baekhyun. She wants love. You're not giving her enough. The thing she wants is to know she's loved...physically."

D.O rolls his eyes.

Emily's POV

"Ow, O-Ow, oh my goodness, why are you pulling my hair out?" I flinch every time Serri pulls out an eyebrow hair. "I-I don't think I want to do this anymore."

"Aish, stop whining, beauty takes pain, girl! Fighting!" She replys calmly and continues. "It's worth it, trust me, child."

I ball up my fists and try to endure the pain.

Once she finishes, my eyes were red and teary and I felt like jumping into a pool.

"It hurts so bad, Serri, ahh, can we stop here?" I beg helplessly.

"We can't stop here. Once we start, we can't stop. Let's move on to your mustache."

I gasp and cover my mouth. "Mustache?"

"Aha, I'm just messing with you, you're so cute."

I look down in embarrassment.

She finishes doing my brows and finally ends with my makeup.

"I don't want to put on makeup." I complain and move away from her.

"Just mascara and eyeliner, please, Emily. And a little bit of lipstick." She holds me down by holding my face.

I obey her and sit still. "This better be good. I'm really dreading this. Lunch might end soon. I better not be late to my next class, my parents would kill-"

"Stop worrying, you're finished." Serri smiles proudly and I take that as a good sign.

I stand up and look at the mirror.

"Whoa, omo! I-I really can't express my feelings right now." I stare at myself in the mirror with a very shocked face.

"Close your mouth, you still need your manners." Serri fixs my clothes while I process everything.

"I look nice." I finally breath.

Serri scoffs. "Nice? That's all I get? 45 minutes to do you whole face AND THAT'S INCLUDING THE EYEBROWS, and all I get is a '...nice...'."

I turn around and hug her tightly. "Thank you, you are so talented. I look amazing."

"Here's the cool thing. I made it look like a total 'no change'. Meaning, not many people would notice unless they look at you very closely. So if your boyfriend notices you, he actually thinks of you as you."

I tilt my head. "How would my mom notice?"

"Does your mom love you, sweetie?"

"Yes." I answer hesitantly.

"Then you're all set. Text me after school, I have practice soon. Bye, kisses." Serri grabs her bag, gives me a wink, and flees away.

I stand there trying to practice walking with elegance.

"I only two more classes," I talk to myself. "I can deal with Baekhyun and tell my mom. It's like a new start. Expect...not really."

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now