Part 4

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Emily's POV

There was no couch, no place to awkwardly hang out in.

The lights were on, though. It was actually really bright in this house.

"Hello!" A high voice screeches.

I bump into a wall from the noise and gasp.

"Oh!" The little girl I met before comes running to me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you!"

I giggle quietly. "It's ok."

She hugs my waist and snuggles her face into my shirt. "You smell like roses." Her soft voice compliments.

I blush. "Th-Thank you."

Baekhyun gently pulls her away from me and holds her back.

"Yuri, she is here to help us, not to play around." Baekhyun coos in the same voice he used towards Amber.

Yuri pouts. "You don't even know her name."

Flustered, Baekhyun looks to me in confusion.

I smile and put my hands on my hips. "What is my name, BAEKhyun?"

"See! She knows yours, but you don't know hers!" Yuri stomps her foot. "Such a gentlemen."

Wow, for a small child, she can be more sarcastic than me...

Baekhyun shakes his head. "No, no, I know her name...E-Em...Emma?"

I roll my eyes. "Hmph."



"Rude! Go apologize!" Yuri points to me.


"Go!" Yuri points to me again with such sassiness.

Baekhyun sighs and leans back up. He turns to me and whispers, "Sorry."

"What was that?" I tease, leaning my ear towards him.

"I'm sorry." Baekhyun says a bit louder.

Yuri and I laugh together while Baekhyun awkwardly stands there with embarrassment on his face.

"Come on, Emily, let's go to my room!" Yuri sticks her tongue out at Baekhyun and pulls me upstairs.

"Ohh, you know my name." I stick my tongue out at Baekhyun too as Yuri pulls me.

Baekhyun scoffs. "Whatever."


Yuri falls back laughing as I reveal my 'makeover'.

I had eye shadow on my cheeks and forehead. Lipstick was smeared across my cheeks. Blush was everywhere. Eyeliner was....everywhere expect on the eye.

"Hey, Emily, I need you-"

I turn to Baekhyun and he stops in horror.

"Oh my- what did my sister do to your face?!" He yells in disgust.

I smile. "Don't I look nice?"

Baekhyun was about to answer, but he closes his mouth and walks away.

"Oh, yeah, get that off your face and come into my room." I hear Baekhyun say.

I laugh and turn back to the dying little sister.

"Come on, Yuri," I help her sit up. "If you get this off of my face in less than 3 minutes, I'll give you a surprise!"

This really got her going.

Yuri springs up and runs out of the room. Seconds later, she comes crashing in with paper towels and water.

Soon enough, I felt like I was going through a car wash. Suddenly, I feel really bad for cars.

"There we go! What's my surprise?" Yuri smiles.

"I feel like my skin was peeled off and I was smacked by a pickle." I cover my face in pain.

"I'm sorry. I love surprises." She states in a calm voice.

I shrug. "It was my fault."

She nods. "Now what's my su-"

"EMILY!!!" Baekhyun screams.

"I'll give it to you later, be right back." I very lightly kiss her on the forehead and hop up.

I gulp before entering Baekhyun's room.

"What do you- Oh-Whooa." I didn't know that black and gray was so breathtaking.

The furniture was already in the room and it all matched. The drawers, the bed, the curtains, even the ceiling looks cool. His bed was white, it had a touch of red on his bed sheets, but the main colors were black and white.

I was staring at the room, probably in a very dumb way. I didn't notice Baekhyun standing there right next to me with a cheeky grin.

"Looks like your room doesn't need my help." I cough and turn my heel.

"Don't go yet." Baekhyun says, making me stop.

I roll my eyes and turn around again. "What could you possibly need help with? This room looks so awesome!"

Baekhyun shrugs. He guides me over to his closet with his finger.

He points to his unsorted and messy closet.

I gasp, dramatically.

"Everything else I am perfectly fine with organizing, but this...I don't know if this means I'm color blind or something, but I just can't-"

I was already on my knees and picking up t-shirts and sweaters. My hands were like organizing robots at a Walmart.

"Wow, looks like I found the perfect person to help me with my colors." Baekhyun kneels down next to me and smiles.

"Whatever you say, I won't hear because I am in cleaning mode right now and I can't get out of it." I start piling different stacks of different colored shirts. "Unless you pinch my ear."

Baekhyun tilts his head. In the corner of my eye, I see him reaching for my ear.

"Touch me, and I will suffocate you in your own clothing."

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