Part 28

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Emily's POV

My mom leaves me alone in the house, completely frustrated.

I groan loudly and stomp to my room. I slam the door shut and jump onto my bed.

"Why is it so hard to tell my own mom?" I grumble to myself. "THE ONE TIME I DESPERATELY NEED HER ATTENTION!"

I don't have anyone to talk to! Amber's busy and Chanyeol's obviously not in a good situation right now.

My dad won't be a big help. He would make some joke and make me feel uncomfortable. Last time I tried talking to him about my crush in my freshman year, then...he made a joke about STDs and I never even LOOK at another guy again.

I lean back up and walk to my window and sit down on the small couch built in to it.

Suddenly, I hear angelic singing coming from Baekhyun's house.

(Song up there or )

I was breath taken with this. It was definitely Baekhyun singing. THAT'S MY BOYFRIEND!

I stare out the window at the night sky, listening to Baekhyun sing.

Ugh, I wish I was with him right now. I wonder if he's telling his parents about me soon, or he's about to. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me so anxious.

I get interrupted by the door opening and some arguing.

"Mom, it wasn't what you think? I didn't hook up with anyone!" Chanyeol says. "I'm fine, I don't even have any drunk side-effects."

"Well, that's not helping. How dare you go out partying during a school week?!" Mom yells. Oooo, she sounds piiiiissssseeeddd.

I rush to close my door because I don't want to be sucked in to this argument.

Baekhyun's POV

"If you don't tell mom, I will." Yuri says while stomping into the bathroom while I was doing my nightly routine.

I rinse my face with water. "Yuri, this shouldn't be any of your business."

"But this happened because of me!"

"Still, your job is done. If you keep meddling in like this, everything will go wrong. You watch American shows." I dry my face off. "What was it? DosNees?"

"It's called Disney, you piece of breakfast." She says with attitude. "And I know my limits and I am not done yet."

"Why don't you just let me take care of myself?" I walk away from her and into my room.

Yuri follows me. "You are inexperienced!"

I scoff. "Chyah? Yo-You're one to talk."

"Hey, I watched more dramas than how many months you've been alive." She points a stern finger at me.

Sometimes....she scares me....

"Look, Baekie, why aren't you telling mom and dad this? They would be excited to hear! I would, if Emily was my girlfriend, I would brag to anybody who would make eye contact with me." Yuri says.

"That's a weird comparison."

"Who cares! Why are so being so chicken right now!?"

I sigh. "It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that...Emily told me that her mom was being so negative of me being a boyfriend."

"What? Really?"

"No-Not exactly. She just said that I didn't seem boyfriend material and I was like a brother to Emily." I explain was looking down.

Yuri tilts her head. "I don't get it."

"To sum up, Emily's mom basically friend zoned me."

Yuri starts laughing like a maniac.

"Don't laugh, it doesn't hurt you like it hurts me." I pout.

"Awh, poor Baekie, listen to my advice." Yuri sits down next to me. "You're dating Emily, not her mom."

"Aish! I understand that! I just want Emily to be the first to tell her parents. That way, I know that I can tell mine without having a feeling that Emily's parents might not approve of us." I say. "And later on, I won't be embarrassed when Emily has to break up with me be a use her parents don't like me."

"Awh, either way will be cute!"


"If they do approve, then it'll be adorable! But if they don't, it'll be like Romeo and Juliet!"

I roll my eyes. "I don't want to die."

"Or maybe, your relationship becomes the reason why our families become enemies." Yuri blurts out.

I jump. "Oh no, that can't happen. You have no idea how much that will haunt me!"

"Don't worry, big bro, I was just kidding, that could never happen. With my glue, anything will stay together for as long as I like."

I show her a face of disgust. "You become scarier each day, Yuri."

"I haven't even gotten to the scariest part. What if Emily does tell her parents and they approve, but yours don't. But they don't show it and end up making Emily and robot and a slave to do whatever they want her to do!"

"Stop it! You're making me paranoid! Just leave, I'm telling mom to take you to bed." I pick her up.

"Oh, ok, that's fine." She smiles evilly.

"Oh, never mind, I'll take you to bed."

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now