Part 11

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Baekhyun's POV

"Stop looking at me like that!" I cover my eyes from Yuri who was giving me a creepy smile. "I'm just going to Emily's to work on a book essay."

"Ok, but I better be your flower girl for your wedding."

"Of course, you'll be- WAIT WHAT? What makes you think that I'm going to marr- you know what....never mind." I slap my thigh before standing up from the kitchen table.

"Going already?" Yuri makes kissy faces. "Don't miss your date!"

"Who taught you this stuff?" I mumble as I walk to the door.

The door opens before I could touch the doorhandle.

"Oh, oh, move, Baekhyun, don't you have somewhere to be." My mom comes rushing in and pushes me away lightly.

"I was kinda trying to do that."

"Hello, Hello, my name is EunMi. Nice to meet you two." My mother introduces kindly.

"Hello, EuMi, I'm Jiyoung and this is my husband, JongHyuk. Nice to meet you too." Emily's mom greets back.

They start walking and talking and I walk out of the door. I start walking with my hands in my pocket down the street.

Am I nervous to be studying with Emily? Ppsssshhhhhhh, no, not at all. Yeah, yeah, she does make me feel kind of nervous, but that's all because I'm not used to having a close friend that's a girl. Wait, she's not a close friend, I have other friends like D.O and Kai. She's just one of my friends, not even friends, just a girl I met recently and we get along...well. Ok, maybe she is my friend, but not close, we barely know each other. It's her being too close and comfortable to me.

Stuck in my overflowing thoughts, I knock on the door and lean on the door.

Emily is a sweet girl and all, but I don't think she and I would look nice together. She is jams and I am..........Jimin.

I quietly laugh at my joke and I don't hear the door click. As soon as I come back to real life, I was on the floor with a small bruise on my bum.

"Genius." Amber looks at me and laughs. She helps me up and points to the stairs. "Emily is upstairs."

"Um, thanks." I cough a couple times before making my way upstairs.

I walk around the hallways trying to guess what room I should knock on.

Well, no one is home except her and Amber right? I walk up to a random door and I hear talking on the phone.

"Chanyeol, if you're stuck in a store with no money and a girl with you asking for food, you don't call call Sehun, your best friend......I can't right now, I'm about to study and I still need to get dressed....shut up you can't even see me...yes with not dressed with him I don't like him, he's a friend and I'm just helping him- you know what, I'm not gonna explain, good bye Channie!"

Beep, end of call.

At this point, my ear was pressed against the door and my hand was on the door knob. She's naked, aigoo, nope, nada, I'm not opening that door.

"Baekhyun, what are you doing?" Amber comes up the stairs with snacks in her hands. "Awh, come on, don't be shy, just open the door."

"N-No, Amber, don't open tha-"

"Calm down there, boy. It's fine, I'm her best friend. It's ok, it's not locked." Amber comes closer to me.

"I-uh-No-N-No, the door, Emily isn't wearing, no I mean, she's-"

"Ahh, I get it, you don't know how to use a knob."

"No, I can!"



"Then shy. Here." Her hand turns the knob and opens the door.


"Calm down. Geez..." Amber pushes me inside and I nervously scream as I tumble inside.

Thankfully, Emily wasn't inside.

"Good, now, I'll be back with some drinks." Amber puts down the snacks and sends me a wink. She closes the door.


I sat down on her bed and examine my surroundings.

Wow, her room is nice. It had a girly feel to it, but also a fair and mature mix of light colors.

Just then Emily comes out with her hair tied up. She was wearing great sweat pants and a plain T-shirt that...complemented her belly button.


She's being too comfortable around me. Look at her, showing her pale skin to people she barely knows! Who does she think she is? Ugh, I'm disgusted.

That cute little belly button of hers, her small and petite body, her soft-looking and milky skin, her bareface, her long and straight hair moving about every time she moves. Did I mention her sweatpants making her look so chill. It really brings out her curves.

No, I don't find it really...amusing. Not at all.

Sure, I have tingly feelings inside and I feel like volcanic lava was poured on my face and rubbed in. But that doesn't mean I like her. She's just being too much for me.

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now