Part 30

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(Last Part, loves) (^.^)
(Will be a longer chapter yay!)

Emily's POV

I enter my class after lunch. I was playing with my earrings because it was poking me a bit. My friend in this class wasn't here and I am so nervous and I don't know why...

"Oh, Emily, look at the new you." This one f-boy wolf whistles at me while I take my seat next to a window.

.....that's why....

I try my very best to ignore him and read my book, but he and his friends decide to sit next to me.

"That seat is taken." I grumble to them without making eye contact.

"By who?" Another f-boy asks obnoxiously.

I sigh and shrug. "Someone that's not any of you."

They all laugh together.

"Taemin, I think you should teach her a lesson." One tall guy says.

I widen my eyes and stop breathing.

I watch movies, I read books, I listen to other girl's stories. "Teach her a lesson" is never a good line.

"U-Uh, you could take the seat if you want." I immediately say. I push myself to look at them.

They all had smirks and that just makes me even more annoyed.

"Awh, this cutie is adorable when she's scared." One of them tries to touch my cheek, but I lean back.

"Key, don't touch her, you just met her." Another guy snickers.

Key? That's a weird nickname, not saying I'm surprised -_-

"CLASS IS STARTING, TAKE YOUR SEATS!" The teacher yells and everybody rushes to their seat.

"This isn't over, cutie." They all laugh annoyingly and leave.

I rush to the front so I'll feel safer with the teacher near.

Aiiisshhh, how I hate f-boys.


Class ended, thankfully, and I'm rushing to my last class before those guys could talk to me again.

My heart was pouding in fear when I hear someone call my name. I decide to walk faster and faster.

Finally, I get to my class safely and I'm here with Amber.

"Amber!" I whine. "Please keep me safe."

"Why? Who's scaring you?" She asks while grabbing me and sitting me down next to her.

"These boys....f-boys." I whisper.

"Hey, did you get your whole face done?" She asks, completely ignoring my sentence.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, yes, it's this thing that a friend did to me so my mom will think that I am all grown up now and she will be more calmer when I tell her about Baekhyun."

Amber laughs again. "Your sweet little mind is too rare to ruin."

"Whatever, I'll talk to you after class."


"Ok, these boys said they'll teach me a lesson and I'm scared they might hurt me." I whisper to Amber as I hide behind her.

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