Part 18

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Emily's POV

I fell on him...AGAIN! I'm so done with myself! Done done done! Why do I do that!? Why am I clumsy? I could be anything else!

Better yet, the blanket fell on top of us. I can't believe this. My arms land around his neck and his hands have no where else to do except catch himself. We were both under the blanket, yet, we could both see each other's shocked faces. His face was so common to me, I seen it so often. I find it cute, he's shocked, then he gets all shy and flustered. It's so adorable, it's like the more I look at him, the more my heart starts telling my mind "GIRL, YOU LIKE HIIIMMM".

"Emily, you're staring at me weirdly.... again..." He whispers.

I gulp. "Y-Yo-You're doing it...t-too."

"I know, I know I am." He leans in closely.

I start to panic. "I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't-I'm clumsy." I laugh. "I'm a clumsy girl, clumsy, clumsy, clumsy, hehehe."

Baekhyun smiles at me. His eyes sparkle as he fixes his eyes closely on me.

I avoid his hard stare, nervously. "U-Uhh-Um, isn't this, isn't this...wrong?"

"How is this wrong?" He falls on top of me and smiles. "Emily, don't you like me?"

I widen my eyes. "N-No, no, I don't, I don't."

"Look at me, Emily." He places his hand gently on my chin and turns me so I'm facing him. "Look at me and say that again."

I return his gaze. I was completely vulnerable with him staring my guts down with those Superman eyes. My heart was pounding so hard right now, it could be mistaken for a door knock. I didn't know what to do.

"Baekhyun, I don't....I don't..." My voice faded away as his like are just centimeters from mine.

A satisfied smile forms on his face. "I knew you would break."

"Break? I didn't break, what are you saying?" I say shyly.

"I want to kiss you."

Those words cut their way to my heart faster than any other could.

"K-Kiss me?"



"Because...I like you."

"You're joking."

"Are you sure?" His lips are practically on mine.

"You got to be." My lips brush against his lips softly.

"I'm not, though." He finally gives me a tender peck on the lips.

I breath heavily as he pulls away. "When?" I kiss him.

"It just happened. Like...this morning."
I blush. "Oh, that."

"You were just so darn cute with your red cheeks and big eyes." He kisses me once again.

I sigh. "This is freaking me out. It almost doesn't seem real."

"You were high." Baekhyun says and breaks out into giggles.

I smack his chest. "Yah! I was not! I don't drink."

"Hey, it was fun. You were being such a child." He smiles and kisses my nose.

"I...tend to do that, but I'm not drunk or high. I'm just a bit crazy, that's all."

"The good kind of crazy."

I nod, not knowing what else to say.

This almost doesn't seem real.

The opening of the door makes my heart stop.

Someone gasps. "EMILY! EMILY!"

I throw off the blanket and fall off the couch. "It's not what you think!" I yell land with a OOF and I...wake up.

"Oh! Emily!" Baekhyun screams. "Aigoo!"

I shake my head. "Yes, no, y-yes I am. I don't know. I don't know what just happened. I'm confused. What happened?"

Baekhyun immediately helps me up. "You were sleeping and you...screamed 'it's not what you think' and fell off the couch. Are you ok?"

I nod quickly. "I just had this weird...really weird dream that was so realistic."

"Oh, what was it about?" He tilts his head so he was facing me.

I look up at him and down at his lips then back at him. "No-Nothing. It was nothing."

"Are you sure, you look pretty scared."

I gulp. "I'm fine. It's ok, thank you."

"No problem."

"What time is it?" I yawn and step away from him

"Like 4 pm." His hands dig into his pockets.

"Geez, really?"

"I was asleep half the time, I barely remember anything except...this."

"Oh. Well, I'm gonna back to bed. I still feel tired."

"Ok, I'll see you later." He rubs the back of his neck.

I sigh and pull him into a hug. A tight one really. I was happy to feel him hugging back just as tightly.

Baekhyun's POV

I'm so glad Emily didn't catch me watching her while she was sleeping. I wasn't being creepy or anything. Just from where I was, looking at Emily was just one thing, but when she fell asleep, her soft snoring and breathing was just so adorable to ignore.

When she woke up saying "it's not what it looks like", I almost fainted. I'm just so lucky she didn't catch me. I really want to know what she was dreaming about. I have the weirdest feeling that it might have something to do with me.

But then again, I'm being weird and crazy and creepy and weird. So forget about everything. Even this morning, I DON'T know what happened between us...

That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now