Part 12

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Emily's POV

I let out a small giggle. "You're staring at me weirdly again." I lean down so I was leveled with him. "Is there something on my face?"

He avoids eye contact and clear his throat quietly. "Uh-um, no-no, there's nothing..."

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" I question again.

Baekhyun blinks a couple times before looking me in the eye. Oh, I see red being painted on his face.

"So-Sorry, um, aren't you-aren't you a little...cold...?" He asks, dodging my question.

I smile. "No, not at all. As long as I don't leave this house, I'll be fine."

"Really?" His voice cracks. "O-Oh."

"Hehe, yes." I laugh. "I get really hot again night."

Baekhyun shifts uncomfortably in his spot. "Oh..."

Right on time, Amber comes running in with drinks in her hand, spilling all over the place. She looks terrified.

"Amber, are you ok?" I walk to her. "Did you see Chanyeol in his self-made Christmas sweater? Oh dear, I told him to burn it-"

"N-No...ew...but no I didn't!" Amber sets down the drinks by the snacks and sits down on the bed with us. "I was getting the drinks and all of a suuden, it started pouring KIMCHI out there! Like, no joke, it just started pouring!"

"Amber, don't you mean cats and dogs-"

"KIMCHI, EMILY! KIIIMMMCHII IS OUT THERE AND I AM FREAKING OUT!" Amber shakes me crazily while swinging her head back and forth.

Baekhyun sits back and watches us in horror.

"Amber, get your stuff together. Now, we have to work on a book essay right now." I try to push Amber off the bed, but she doesn't budge.

"You, Emily, come here, I need to talk to you." She pulls me away forcibly. She pulls me away from the bed and towards the door.

"That's #1!" She whisper yells.


"You like Baekhyun, I know it."

"What? No, I don't like him."

"Denial and dressing up. #1 and 2!" Amber holds up her fingers aggressively.


"You like him."

"No, I don't."


I roll my eyeballs. "I'm just gonna ignore you." I walk away, but she pulls me back.

"I can't leave this room. The world out there is haunted with h2o falling from the sky."

"It's rain."

"Please! Please!" She shakes my whole body with her hand.

"Ugh fine." I glare at her and join Baekhyun back at the bed.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asks.

"It's fine. Let's get started." I scoot over to him and reach over his lap to grab the book.

I totally ignore Baekhyun's tomato face and continue.


30 minutes pass and we already finished half of the assignment. Aha, what can I say, my brain is just too awesome..ahaagahahaa.

I squeal with excitement as Baekhyun looks through our essays.

"Wow. I'm impressed. You did well." A smile sneaks onto his face.

I look at Amber with a proud smirk.

"Don't you think it's time for some snacks?" Amber yells, startling Baekhyun and I.

"You ate all of them in the first 10 minutes." I say.

"Then let's go get some more." Baekhyun offers quickly.

Amber bursts out laughing. "AGAH! Like I'm gonna go out there."

I throw a pillow at her. "Food, do this for food."

She sighs before rising. "Fine..."

"That was easy." Baekhyun whispers in my ear.

"Ye-Yeah." I shiver from his deep voice and nod.

We all leave the room and go down the stairs.

Amber immediately goes to the kitchen and to the refrigerator.

The rain bangs against the windows making this loud noise. I yelp and clung to Baekhyun like a wet cat.

Baekhyun raises his hands from our sudden skinship. He looks down on me with very wide and nervous eyes.

I push away from him very quickly. "Uhhhh, that was a reflex."

"Oh, a reflex."

"Yeah, it happens to-to me alot."

"Oh I know what you mean."

"Reflexes do that."

"Ha, yeah, they do."

We both nervously laugh and turn away.

Amber scoffs loudly. "You two are weird."

"Says the person who ate all of our food." I yell.

"Expect it." She yells back.

"Anyways," I look to Baekhyun. "Do you think the storm will go away?"
He shrugs. "I-I don't know. I hope it dies down, though."

I nod. "Yes..."

We head back to the room with more food and we continue with our homework. We get interrupted by a loud BANG against the windows.

Amber shrieks and scurries under the bed. I, sadly, cling to Baekhyun again with my claws gripping his sweater. Only this time, his hand was around my back and his other hand was on my hand. He looked at the window nervously.

I was too scared to be awkward about the skinship. "Baek-Baekhyun...I don't think the storm is dying down."

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