Part 16

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Emily's POV

"H-Hey?" I peek into the living room as I reach it. "Where's everybody? Amber! Channie?"

Baekhyun copies my action and shrugs. "I-I don't know. I think they aren'"

I click my tongue at him. "Well, DUH. I hope they're ok. Amber is such a dummy for going out there during a storm." I sit down on the couch and rest my head on my hands.

"Your brother is with her, is-isn't he?" He says, sitting down next to me.

"Chanyeol! He won't do anything! The closest thing to protecting her is throwing a blanket on her and running off."

"It'll be ok, Emily, I'm sure they're ok." His hand rests on my back.

Amber's POV

(Last night)

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!?" I scream at Chanyeol, who was running around my house.

"The lightning is vibrating my insides." Chanyeol says while holding himself very tightly. "I could feel it. My heart just met my liver!"

"What are you saying, pabo! That doesn't even make sense!"

"You wouldn't know, Miss C- in health!"





The sound of thunder booms again.

"AHHDJBRIFBEIDONEBSKFHDBFLEHEKAKWOBFBCOR!" Chanyeol screams and jumps behind the couch.

I roll my eyes. "Come on, Chanyeol, you're a man, right?"

"Hey! I'm allowed to have my days. You do!"

I gasp. "Pabo! Pabo!" I pick up a pillow and chuck it at him.

Emily's POV

"Would you like to go over to your house and see how Yuri and your parents are doing?" I ask Baekhyun.

He nods. "Yes, I should. Thank you....Emily..."

I giggle. "For what?"

"The study...get-together..." He awkwardly makes eye contact with me.

I nod. "No problem, see you."

"Good bye."

Baekhyun's POV

I walk outside and immediately step into a water puddle. I shriek and jump up and down away from the puddle. Not proud of what I just did...I walk to my house, very embarrassed.

I knock on my front door and wait there patiently. All of a sudden, the thought of last night enters my mind and I break out into small giggles.

"Ok, I did NOT just giggle to myself in public." I mentally slap myself.

It was just such a comfortable night. It felt nice, I didn't feel regret or wrong thoughts about it. I won't ever let that show, knowing Emily probably won't feel like how I did because...never mind.

The door was never answered. I stand there looking through the windows and the small hole on the door.

"Hello?" I knock on the door.

No answer.

I shrug and search for a key under a rock. I open the door and quietly shut the door as I walk in.

"Hello?" I whisper. I stop in my tracks and mentally slap myself AGAIN.

"No one's going to hear you if you whisper!" I scold myself.

I get startled by sudden sound of laughter coming from upstairs. I run up the stairs and follow the noise.

"I remember this one time, Baekhyun was wanting his bottle when he was like, 9 years old, I didn't give it to him and he locked himself in the closet with only water bottles." My mom says while laughing. "All we could hear was singing!"

The adults all explode into laughter.

I peek inside my parent's room and knock on their door. "Mom? Dad?"

"Oh! Baekhyun-ah, good morning!" My mom greets with a big smile a wave.

My parents and Emily's parents were in the same bed all in a circle, telling stories about their children. Yuri was in the middle playing with her doll and Emily's mom was doing her hair.

OH MY GOSH, what is happening right now? What are my eyes seeing? I can't believe this....what if they become great friends and start inviting Emily over and stuff and...oh gosh...noo!

"What's wrong, Baekhyun? You look very shocked." My dad asks.

I shake my head. "I'm fine."

"How was it at Emily's? Was it ok?" Emily's mom asks.

I nod. "It was fine, she-she and I were about make bre-breakfast."

Yuri wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Oooohhh."

"Then why are you here? Go back!" My dad laughs.

"I was just checking up on you." I say, getting shy.

"Awh, sweetie. We're fine. We just had breakfast in bed. Emily's father, here, burnt the eggs." My mom jokes.

"Hey! Well, your husband forgot to put butter in the muffins and made it so hard!" Emily's dad jokes back.

They all start laughing and talking and Yuri jumps off the bed. She walks over to me with an evil smile on her face.

"So, Baekie?"

"H-Hmm?" I cough.

"What did you and Emily do?"

"Just studied..."

"Mhm, ok."

"Nothing happened, Yuri. Don't worry about it, ok?"

"Yeah, yeah! Tell me later, go back to Emily. I bet she's waiting for you..." She pulls me down and leans in to my ear. " her pjs..."

I choke. "I HAVE NO IDEA what you're saying, Yuri. I'll be going and NOTHING will happen, ok? Just friends, just friends. Remember that."

"Uh huh. Ok, bye. I'll be waiting for a story later." She wiggles her fingers, goodbye.

I shake my head. "Bye."


That One Singer || BYUN BAEKHYUNWhere stories live. Discover now