Halloween (Yandere! France X Reader)

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A special Halloween oneshot! It'll probably be up after Halloween, but suck it up! At least I wrote one! I did Yandere France, because France can be super creepy.

Humming the music from the Halloween movies lighty, you run a brush through your hair slowly, staring off into space. Halloween, the best holiday of the year, at least in your opinion. Usually, you'd be dressed up in a gory, imaginative, insanely realistic costume, handing out candy to the children of your neighborhood. I mean, that's what Halloween's all about, costumes that took you hours to create and making it the best night of a childs life, full of sweets, laughter and jump scares. But naturally, on your favorite day of the year, you're sick with the flu. Pouting unhappily, you walk over to your window and watch as all the witches, vampires and zombies prance past your house, giggling happily and swinging pillow cases full of candy. As you watch, three familiar figures walk towards your door, trying to scare the young children around them. You roll your eyes and click your tongue, walking towards your front door as the three males approach. You open your door just as your precious boyfriend is about to knock. "Hi Toni!" You jump up and wrap your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek gently.

The three men are each dressed as an iconic horror movie character. Gilbert as Dracula, Antonio as Brenden James (Scream) and Francis as Michael Myers (Halloween). Francis is unusually quiet, hanging back in the shadows. Gilbert laughs his signature laugh and fakes offense. "Did jou forget about zhe awesome Gilbert?" Rolling your eyes, like you do almost everytime Gil talks, you drop off of Antonio. "No Gilbert, how could I ever forget about you?" You hug the pale man gently before cuddling back up to Antonio. "Are you feeling better princess?" Nodding, you kiss the Spaniards cheek a few times. "Yes, now that you're here, I feel much better." Toni smiles gently and presses his lips softly against your own. Ignoring the laughter from the Prussian, and the odd silence from Francis, who's still standing behind, sulking and staring at you oddly. "You three go terrorize some children, I'm going to sleep." Kissing you a few more times, Antonio waves to you as he's dragged away by an excited Gilbert and a thoughtful looking Francis. "Poor Francis, he's probably coming down with the same thing as me." Shaking your head in sympathy, you walk back into your house and shut your door.

Throwing yourself onto the couch, you find the station that plays Halloween movies all night and slowly drift to sleep, the screams of terror and suspenseful music lulling you into a dreamless sleep.

You jolt off your couch as a large crash sounds throughout your house. "Hello?" You almost slap yourself at the steriotypicallity (not a word) of your reaction. "Stupid me..." You mumble to yourself and walk into the kitchen through the darkness of your house and grabbing a can of pop from the fridge. You turn to walk to your bedroom, but slip in something slightly warm and sticky, falling to the floor. "Ow!" Cursing a few times you flick the hall light on, gaping in horror. Your hands flutter to your mouth as you whimper in horror at the gory sight. Antonio, your precious light, is lying on your floor, his eyes gouged out, revealing the bloody, mangled sockets. He's shirtless, and his heart has been brutally cut out of his chest and thrown on the floor beside him, still oozing the occasional spurt of blood. "Toni... Toni baby... who would do this to you?" You grip the cold hand of your dead boyfriend for a few precious seconds, before standing up on shakey, blood covered legs. Grabbing your phone of the table, you try to dial in 911, until you realize that you have no service, which never happens in your city. "(Y/n)? Don't you like my present?" You sob at the familiar voice and slowly turn around. "Francis... why would you..." Sobbing, you cover your mouth, slowly looking up at the blond man.

"He was your friend Francis!" Suddenly filled with rage, you shove Francis back, the tears stinging your eyes. "Why, why, why, why!?" Catching your wrists, he stares down at you. "Because... he was in my way, I need you (y/n)..." Staring at him in disgust, you try to pull away from him, but his grip tightens, squeezing your wrist bones in between his hands. "P-please s-stop... You're hurting me!" Your body shaking with pain and grief, you collapse onto the floor, his hands still around your wrists. "You were my friend Francis... why would you do this to me..." Smiling at you, with what would be kindness in any other situation, he gets down on his knees in front of you so you're face to face. He pushes hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. "Because we're meant to be. We'll be together forever." Smiling sweetly, he presses his lips to yours, as you feel cool metal pressed against your neck. "Je t'aime, précieuse. On serait ensemble dans la prochaine vie.*" The metal, a knife, slashes across your throat and you choke on your blood. The last thing you see is Francis, smiling down at you, his hand stroking your cheek gently, and bright light shining from behind him. Slowly your pain fades away, as Francis leans down and leaves a last kiss on your forehead. "À tant tôt ma belle.**"

*I love you, precious. We'll be together in the next life.

**See you soon beautiful.

My first Yandere, not sure if it was good, or even Yandere enough... thoughts? My french wasn't translated word for word, its translated by the meaning of the phrase. Also, its not France french, its Canadien frech (Acadian french in the proper term.) So yeah, if you think its wrong because of the Google translate version, just trust me on this, even my french is better than Google translates. Thanks, please Vote/Comment. I hope you liked loveable Francis being not so loveable.

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