Nordic 5 X Reader: Alright {Fluff}

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That moment when you're crying over the Always With You song because you're a fucking loser with no fucking life who honestly just wishes you had the Nordics to hug you and comfort you. That's what I am doing with my lovely Saturday night, while writing this piece of shit fanfiction and watching shitty Netflix movies about rape and and sex slavery. I honestly have no clue what this shit is, so just roll with it.


You creep silently up the stairs to your room.

Today is just one of those days that you don't want to be bothered by your friend's... I guess most would call them your family.

You've been living with the 5 men for as long as you can remember. You're not related to them in any way, but you're closer to them than you were to whoever your parents are. 

Emil, Lukas, Matthais, Berwald and Tino, the only people that you can ever remember trusting in your 19 years of life.

Opening the bedroom door, you toss your backpack to the ground as quietly as you can and lock your door. (You're in college by the way)

You lie down on the bed, burying your face into the pillows as you feel yourself start crying, body shaking violently.

You're a very fragile person, it's easy to break you, to shatter you and make you cry.

Obviously, today was a hard day on you... but you don't want to be a bother to the guys.

They all work so hard to keep you happy, even Lukas and Emil, who like acting as if they don't care about you, yet you can't repay them for their kindness. They'd do anything and everything for you, yet all you seem to do for them is cause trouble.

When your first boyfriend broke your heart by cheating on you, Matthais threw a fit and would've beat the shit out of him if Berwald hadn't stopped him.

You soon hear Lukas and Emil downstairs, arguing over Emil not calling Lukas 'Big Brother'. Eventually, Matthais joins in, mostly laughing at them, and Berwald and Tino seem to be talking with each other.

"Wait, guys, shut up for a second! Where's (y/n)?"

You hadn't expected Matthais to be the first one to realize...

There's silence, before you hear all five coming up the stairs, whispering unheard things among each other.

They stop outside your door.

A soft knock echoes through your room, and Tino's sweet voice calls out your name.

"(Y/n), are you okay?"

You don't answer him, which causes another soft stream of murmuring.

This time Matthias speaks up, sounding serious for once.

"Please let us in (y/n), we want to know what's wrong!"

You let put a deep sigh, just loud enough for them to hear, and slowly get out of your bed, crossing over to the door.

You already know your eyes are swollen and red, but there's no way the guys are just gonna walk away.

Taking a deep breath, you open the door, greeted by Tino gasping loudly and throwing his arms around you.

"Don't cry (y/n)! Why are you sad?"

Before you can even open your mouth, Matthias is tackling you to the ground, squeezing you tightly.

"You can always talk to us, we're your family!"

Lukas sighs, grabbing the Dane's tie and yanking on it.

"If you'd given her a second to talk, she probably would've you idiot!"

Lukas tugs harder, making the other man choke and fall away from you. Berwald and Emil help you up from the floor, Berwald holding you protectively while watching Matthais and Lukas argue, Tino standing beside them trying to calm them down.

Emil pats your head, wiping your damp cheeks before yelling at the the two arguing men.

"Knock it off! You're making it worse!"

Lukas turns from Matthais to Emil.

"Big brother."

Emil groans, glaring at the older blonde.

"You make no sense!"

"Big brother."

A small smile crosses your face, and Tino joins in on the hug between you and Berwald.

Matthais notices the hug, joining in on it too.

"You can tell us anything and everything (y/n), no matter how big or small. We love you."

Tino nods quickly, giving you a large smile.

"Mhm." Berwald grunts his response.

Lukas and Emil seem to sense the change in mood, though they both seem reluctant to join the hug. You smile lightly at them, beckoning for them to become part of the hug.

If you're with these fucking idiots... then everything will be alright.


Wow. This was weird. I watched 3 different movies while writing this, and German gore is beautiful.

Next Up:

Prussia X Reader: Perfect

2p! America X Reader: Call Me Daddy

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