50th Special ❤

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50th special! Yaaay! By the end of this month, it'll be exactly one year I've been writing for this book-y thing! Yaaaay! This is the end of this book, but don't worry, I'm still writing oneshots. It's just really annoying having to scroll through all the oneshots, so I'm making a book two! It's up right now! Since I didn't get requests, I'm doing NSFW Headcanons. I hope you'll read book two to this, and I hope you enjoy the headcanons!



● Very gentle and passionate.

●If possible, he'll want to be touching his partner, using positions that give him the opportunity to show his partner of his love, or positions that allow him to see their face.

●He feels sad or scared if his partner doesn't seem to be enjoying the sex. He'll do everything in his power to make them feel special and loved, getting really sooky if he feels like he failed,

●After sex, he'll be slightly clingy, cuddling and kissing, staying as close as possible to his partner for the next hour or two.


●Clumsy and inexperienced, but still caring.

●On account of his country's pornographic history, it's in his blood to enjoy bondage and other types of BDSM. But, he'll only indulge in his desires if his partner consents, and is clearly enthusiastic/excited to do so.

●Because of his inexperience with women/men, he'll be awkward at first, and because of his country's history, he'll be afraid of hurting his partner. But, as he gets into it, his worries will start to fade away, and he'll be able to pleasure both his partner and himself properly.

●After sex, he'll be extremely gentle, helping his partner clean off, get water, clothes, tucked in, etc. Whatever his partner needs, he'll scramble to give it to them, holding them gently, albeit awkwardly as soon as he's certain they're okay.


●Calm and gentle, but easily spurred into becoming passionate and dominating.

●He's still rather awkward with physical contact, but knows a lot more about sex than someone as 'innocent' as him should. He'll be quick to experiment with kinks and fetishes, anything to make him and his partner hit the max amounts of pleasure.

●He'll always try to be gentle at first, giving his partner time to relax and get used to him. After making sure his partner is comfortable, he'll do as he pleases, as long as they both enjoy it.

●After sex, he'll take a few minutes to compose himself, before helping his partner clean up. He'll hold his partner close, and whisper sweet words until they both fall asleep.


●Dominating but gentle. He's a very sweet lover.

●He's very easily made jealous... flirt with someone, even a little, and he will punish his partner. He very happily experiments with kinks and toys, keeping the ones that are the most sexually pleasing.

●He loves teasing his partner, making them as horny as he can, before fucking them. He's rough, but only if his partner wants/enjoys it. He'll always start gentle and slow though, or be gentle and slow if his partner had had a bad day.

●After sex, his partner is usually exhausted, for obvious reasons. He'll help them sit up, showering them in gentle kisses as he cleans them up and whispers loving words.


●Experienced, passionate, and really skilled with his fingers and tongue. *wink wonk*

●He's very flirty and perverted, but contrary to popular belief, he's insanely loyal. If his partner gets upset over his flirting, he will immediately stop, giving his lover his undivided attention. No matter where they are.

●He'll tease, making his partner, if a woman, cum multiple times before making love to them. If his partner is a man, he'll push them as close to their edge as possible, before making love to them. He's really gentle and loving, telling his partner how beautiful or perfect they are as they fuck, making sure they're completely comfortable the whole time.

●After sex, he'll immediately pull his partner into his arms, kissing them as he hold them to his chest. He'll be as loving as possible, pretty much kissing his partner to sleep.


●Inexperienced, but loving and gentle.

●He's a complete Tsundere, and his partner will probably need to top for the first while, but if you tease him enough, he'll switch the tables. He'll make sure to love you unconditionally, even if he refuses to admit it.

●He'll probably go with very basic positions, like missionary, but the sex will still be mind blowing, because of his country's sexual prowess. Plus, he'd definitely dirty talk, and with that sexy accent? Oh hell yes.

●After sex, he'll reluctantly pull his partner close. He'll kiss them sweetly and deeply, snuggling them gently. After a few kind 'I love yous', he'll fall asleep with them in their arms.


●Shy and Sweet, but he can be passionate too.

●He's shy and gentle, so he'll rather have his partner in a position where they're riding him. He'd be a lot too scared to pin his partner down. Even being underneath his partner, he'd still be able to make them cum a few times. That's just how good he is.

●If he's put in a topping position, he'd be slow and gentle, still bringing immaculate pleasure to the both of you. If he gets into it, he'll show his French side, with deep, gentle kisses and amazing hand skills,

●After sex, he's clingy and gentle, complete with snuggles, kisses, and soft, sweet words. He'll clean partner up, telling them how much he loves them until they fall asleep.


●Sweet and rough, kind of kinky.

●He's normally a bit of a priss, but if he's horny, or if his partner's horny, he completely let's go of his morals. He enjoys messing around with positions, preferring the rough, kinky one's.

●He's rather experienced, and knows a shit ton of ways to please his partner. His culture has a lot of positions that include flexibility and many ways to hit the sweet spot, all of which he knows. That his partner adores.

●After sex, he'll flirt uncontrollably, giving massages and kisses, occasional bites and licks mixed in.


●Gentle and kind, but very easily pushed to roughness.

●He's almost always gentle and sweet, but he's very controlling. He leaves as many love bites as possible, making sure everyone knows who his partner belongs to.

●He's not too experienced, but he's good. He's usually nice to his partner but if there are days where he gets jealous. He never gets rough to the point of any pain or discomfort, but he will makes sure that his partner knows how far he'll go for them.

●After sex, he's very gentle, and, even if it was a gentle night, he'll apologize profusely, hugging and kissing his partner.

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