Author! Prussia X Reader: Proposal {Fluff}

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Based on a head canon that I really, really love. I think I added it up there ^^^


Sighing, you drum your fingers over the counters table top in boredom.

You're trying really hard not to make any noise, not wanting to disturb a certain albino who's sitting in the next room.

The tapping of his keyboard had stopped about twenty minutes ago... and it honestly makes you a bit queasy.

Poor Gilbert's been so stressed lately, working on that damned book almost 24/7... it's only making him sick, and there's nothing you can really do to help. He loves his writing almost more than he loves you.

That's only a slight exaggeration too.

You sigh again, standing up quietly and moving to the fridge. Pulling out a pot of leftover soup, you turn two of the stove burners on, placing the pot on it, before you grab an old tea kettle, filling it with water and setting on the other burner.

The stove is almost only for when Gilbert's in his zone. When you two eat, it's usually take-out or heated up in the microwave... neither of you are really good at cooking...

Besides! When Gilbert's not writing, you spend any and all time together! There isn't any time to be cooking!

Smiling softly, you pull out two bowls and two cups, before rummaging quietly through a cupboard. You pull out a small box of Gilbert's favorite tea, humming in triumph.

His third favorite thing... okay, fourth, right after his liquor, is his tea. You two buy as many boxes as possible on your yearly trips to Germany, because, as he says, not only are German men awesome, but their tea is too.

Honestly... it's true. German tea is probably the best you've ever had.

Smiling, you hear the water start boiling, and you place a pouch of tea in each cup, quickly pouring the hot water in with it.

You begin humming lightly, a happy feeling filling you as you stir the soup for a few minutes. As soon as it's hot enough, your separate into the two bowls, naturally giving the german... well, prussian, more. He needs to eat more at the moment... he's already a bit of a stick to begin with.

You place both the bowls of soup, and two mugs of tea on a small platter, carrying it hesitantly to Gilbert's study.

You stop outside the room, pushing it open when silence greets you.

"Gilly~ I heated up soup and made tea!" You smile brightly at the albino, setting the tray on his desk and kneeling next to his chair. You lean up on your knees, kissing him gently as he swivels the computer chair to look at you.

He sighs happily, ruffling your hair lovingly. "Hallo liebe... you're awfully sweet to zhe awesome me."

Chuckling, he pulls you up to sit on his lap, his tired eyes scanning your features happily.

Smiling at him again, you cuddle against his chest, enjoying the brief moment of attention.

"How's the writing going Gilly?" As soon as the words leave you mouth, he groans, slouching into his seat.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhush! I don't wanna talk about it..." Groaning again, he lays his head against your chest, whining like a child.

"It's sooooooo haaaard! I hate writing!" Pouting, he pulls away from you again, giving you puppy eyes. "Feed me."

Snorting, you swivel the chair to grab his bowl, immediately shoving the spoon into Gilbert's mouth.

"You're a dork Gilly. You are so freaking lucky I love you." He quickly swallows the mouthful of soup, grinning brightly at you.

"I zhink jou're zhe lucky one, liiiiebe!"

Snorting again, you give him another mouthful, grinning happily.

Yeah, he's a massive, egotistical douche, but you love him more than you love anybody, because you know he loves you back.


"(Y/NNNNNNN)! I FINISHED ZHE AWESOME BOOK!" You jump at the screech, almost falling over as Gilbert tackles you in a hug.

It's been a few weeks since the little moment the two of you had shared, and he's been working almost nonstop since. This little bit of news is great, especially after a day of work.

Squealing in joy, you throw your arms around him, letting him pick you up and squeeze you happily.

"That's great Gilly!" He suddenly sets you down, going completely serious.

"Come read it. Now." You're shocked, even more so than when he tackled you, as he drags you to his study, sitting you in his computer chair. His work is already open, as if he'd just been waiting for your arrival.

He doesn't normally let you read his stuff before it's published, on account of he gets easily embarrassed... so this is new.

Raising an eyebrow, you turn to him to make sure he's serious. He nods quickly, turning you back to the computer.

"Reeeeeead it!"

Smiling, you pull yourself in close to the computer, eyes immediately scanning the screen.

You frown a bit as you read the first line. It isn't at all how he'd usually write... it's not his style, his wording... it's not what you're used to from him.

'Once upon a time, there was an awesome young woman, who fell in love with an equally awesome man. They spent many years together happily, and no matter what, the woman made sure her boyfriend was safe and healthy. She loved him, and the man would never understand why. He always tried his best, but he knew he'd never be good enough for her. She's the prettiest, kindest, and most amazing woman in the world! So, one day, he started thinking about ways to make her happy. He knows that she worries about him, and he doesn't like it... then, he realized what he had to do! He has to prove how much he loves her, how far he'd go for her.

The beautiful young woman I'm talking about is you, (y/n) (l/n).

Turn around, frau.'

Confused, you stare at the last line for a few moments, before turning towards Gilbert.

Your heart stops, eyes widening. You shriek, covering your eyes as you start laughing wildly. You almost don't believe the sight before you.

Gilbert's down on one knee, holding a small white box open for you... inside the box, is a silver ring, small pearls embedded in the gleaming metal.

"Liebe... vill jou marry me?"

You laugh harder, eyes tearing up with happiness. Before you can really compose yourself, you throw yourself into Gilbert's arms, nodding quickly.

"Yes! Yes Gilly!" Laughing even harder, you squeeze him tightly, half sobbing in happiness.

Gilbert chuckles, letting you cry against his shoulder, sobs mixed with giggles of pure joy.

Pulling away slowly, Gilbert slips the ring onto your ring finger, before showering your face in gentle kisses, wiping your tears away.

"I love jou... jou're so beautiful, frau... iche liebe diche..." Kissing you gently, he tries to keep his grin down. Pulling out of the soft kiss, he strokes your cheek. "I promise, I'll try to pay more attention to jou..."

Giggling, you jump on him, hugging him tightly.

"Idiot... I'll love you no matter what... I'm perfectly happy with sitting around and watching television together."

Smiling softly, you giggle as Gilbert squeals, hugging you back.

"Jou're too cute, liebe! Mein little wifey!"

Humming, you cuddle against his chest, letting him snuggle you happily.

"My totally awesome husband..."



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