Belarus X Reader: Joshua {Fluff-ish}

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Sooooongfic! The song is really sweet, and the way I interpret it as, coming out as whatever sexuality or gender you are. So, YURI!

Song: Joshua by Simon Curtis


Little boy is coming to his home,
He's gotta make some big decisions 'cus he's grown,
He's gonna get a rude awakening if he don't realize,
Who really loves and who lies.

Fidgeting a bit nervously, you pat down an invisible wrinkle in the side of your skirt, staring into the mirror.

Today's the day.

You're finally gonna tell them... your family, that you're not... straight.

You've spent years, listening to them put down your sexuality, unknowingly pushing you deeper and deeper into the 'closet'.

But no more. You're a grown woman now, and hiding your sexuality is a no go. If they can't accept it, it's their problem!

You nod, clenching your jaw as you continue staring into the mirror.

A pair of soft arms suddenly wrap around your waist, and a very pale, almost white, blonde head rests on your shoulder.

"Don't worry, da? If they get violent or mean, I'll be right with you."

Natalya leaves a small kiss on your clothed shoulder, smiling very faintly in reassurance.

You're not, really, verbally coming out... You'd told them they get to meet the person you're dating... when you arrive, you're gonna be with a girl. Specifically, Natalya.

You exhale, letting a small, shaky breath out, you turn around, hugging your girlfriend.

"I'm sure everything'll be fine. They'll love you!"

Do you, ever stop to wonder if they love you?
When you look into the mirror do you see the truth?
Do the voices in ya' head still got ya' confused?
Do they make you wanna say,

Chuckling gently, she hums her agreement, pulling you out of the bedroom.

Her slender fingers wrap perfectly with yours, her arm wrapping around your shoulders as you lean against her, her sweet scent calming your nerves a bit.

You both quickly slip on your shoes, and you grab your keys off the counter, and follow Natalya to the car.

You're stuck driving... you know, on account of it being your grandparents house.

Your nerves come back again as you buckle up.

Natalya immediately notices, placing her hand gently on your shoulder, leaning over and leaving a soft kiss on your cheek.

You smile at her, a bit of excitement worming it's way into the nervous thoughts filling your mind.

"Thanks for this... I wouldn't be able to go to this damn dinner without you."

Laughing a little, your hand moves up to grip the one resting on your shoulder for a few precious, calming seconds, before letting it go.

Most of your nervousness fades into excitement as you pull out of the driveway, starting your way to a new chapter in your life.

Acceptance, or ignorance.

I-I'm not who you think I am,
I-I-I-I-I'm not who you think I am,
I-I-I-I-I'm not who you think I am,
Who I am, who I am, who I am, I'm not a good boy.

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