Germany X Reader: Lesson Number One {Lemon}

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Annoyance bubbles up in your stomach as you watch the small Italian man cling to your boyfriend, nuzzling and hugging him.

It just pisses you off! Okay, yes, they've been friends for God knows how long, but Jesus fuck! Ludwig's more romantic with Feli than he is with you, and good god, do you ever hate it.

It hurts a bit more than it annoys you though... why doesn't Ludwig act like that with you? I mean... he's still sweet and gentle, never doing anything to hurt you, but he just seems different with Feliciano. The thought that Ludwig doesn't actually love you isn't a new one... and it hurts more and more the longer you think about it.

You love him more than anything, and you'd do anything for him... all you want is for him to maybe treat you the same way...

Sniffling lightly, you shuffle out of the kitchen and into your small living room, throwing yourself dramatically onto the couch and curling up with a pile of blankets.

It's just not fair! All you want is Ludwig, but you don't even know if he feels the same way! He says he loves you, but he never does anything to prove it! The occasional kiss when you're alone, but he doesn't show anything in public. No hand holding, no hugs, no kisses....

You guys even live together, but still! No fucking affection!

Cursing quietly, you listen to Feli babble on. A sudden shriek makes you jump a bit, frowning in annoyance.

"Ve~ ! I need to be-a going! Big brother Roma's going to be mad at how late I am..."

Feliciano yells a few goodbyes to both you and Ludwig, before running from the house. His happy singing as he leaves annoys you even further.

About five minutes of complete silence pass, before the couch next to you sinks and Ludwig pulls the blankets away from you.

"(Y/n)? Are jou okay?"

Whining loudly, you throw the blankets away as you sit up, punching Ludwig in the arm. It doesn't seem to affect him, which only makes you angrier. "No! I'm not okay!"

With another loud whine, you throw yourself backwards drape an arm over your face.

There's yet another long silence, before the large man clears his throat awkwardly.

"Are... are jou on jour... jour period? Do jou need me to get jou anything...."

You sob into your arm, anger turning to slight sadness. He's so fucking awkward and sweet... why can't he just tell you how he feels, or if he really does love you?!

"No, I'm not on my period Luddy..."

Your sudden change of mood seems to make him feel even more uncomfortable. He shifts awkwardly, hands clasped in his lap as you slowly sit up.

Bright blue eyes completely avoid your intense gaze, making your jumbled emotions even worse.

You continue to stare at him, only making him even more uncomfortable.

There is an idea floating around in your head on how to see if he really does love you... but you already know you're inexperienced... what if what you wanna do only turns him off?

Taking a short breath, you slide yourself quickly between his legs, staring up at him with a heated look... or at least with what you hope is a heated look.

Ludwig swallows, jaw dropping as your hands quickly set to work on his belt. He fumbles over his words, a blush burning over his cheeks as he attempts to find a way to talk.

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