PrusPol: Hate You {LEMON}

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This is a rp between me and the more than amazing @fabulous_felicity
Go show that hoe some love xD

Edit: Do not show that hoe love...

Feliks walks along the side walk, boredom overwhelming him, it's a beautiful day, and yet nobody he likes is around to spend it with him. As he glances to a nearby feild, he notices an extremely familiar, extremely annoying albino. A small smirk crosses his face as an evil idea pops into his head, and he saunters over to the man.

Gilbert, who had been muttering something to himself, probably something something about being awesome, notices the blond in the distance. Nose wrinkling in distaste, he sat up against the tree. Since he was wearing a tight tanktop, his finely-muscled chest could be admired in all its beauty. Once Feliks was near enough, he called out in annoyance, "Vhat are jou doing here?"

Feliks smirks lightly, plopping down next to the taller man. "Do I really need a reason, Gilly~"   Smirk growing, he leans against Gilbert, a hand resting gently on the albinos arm

Gilbert eyed him, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "...Und just vhat are jou doing?" Frowning in annoyance, he roughly shook his hand off and shifted further away from him. "Don't touch me."

Feliks frowns, scooting closer to Gilbert again. He rests an elbow on Gilbert shoulder, sticking his tongue out. "I'll do what I want, thank you very much."

"Fuck you," Gilbert lowly growled between gritted teeth. This time however, he didn't bother moving away, instead crossing his arms and trying his best to ignore the blond, making him feel rather neglected.

Feliks pouts, leaning his chin on Prussia's chest. "Are you bored? I'm bored."

Gilbert glares at Feliks from the corner of his eye. "I vas fine until you came along." Despite his great irritation, he couldn't hold back the light blush that dusted his cheeks.

Feliks rolls his eyes at Gilbert's obvious oblivious-ness, resisting the urge to get sassy. "So mean Gilly!" Sighing, he nuzzles the albinos pale arm, scooting even closer to him, to the point he's almost sitting on him.

Upon contact, much to both his disgust and panic, Gil feels sparks light up underneath his skin. Eyeing Feliks, bewildered and slowly getting nervous, he questions, "V-Vhat are you even doing?"

Feliks shrugs, smirking knowingly. He traces his fingers gently up Gilbert arm, smirking as he stares into the albinos eyes, his head tilted slightly. "I have no clue what you're talking about, I'm not doing anything, Gilly~"

Gil can't help but shiver unwillingly beneath his touch. He stares back into Feliks' eyes, his eyes holding a passionate hate, yet also a twinkle of nervousness and uncertainty.

Eyes glittering mischievously, Feliks slips himself into Gilbert's lap, pressing his lips to the bigger man's shoulder. He rests his hands gently against Gil's chest, his soft hands creeping a bit lower with every second.

Pillaring his hands behind him for support, Gil shivers once again, struggling to keep his eyes open and to not give in to the small yet bittersweet pleasure that's already driving him mad. "F-Fuck off," he attempts to firmly hiss out, although he sounds only half-sure of himself, and his voice trembles slightly.

Feliks chuckles, his hands sliding down to Gilbert's belt. "Are you sure Gilly? It doesn't seem like you are..." His voice comes out as a sweet coo, cockiness perforating his voice as he unbuckles the belt with slow, deliberate movements.

Gil keenly watches Feliks fiddle at his belt through half-lidded, crimson eyes governed by lust. Although he has to admit he wants this by now, he attempts to stop the blond anyway, weakly gripping his wrist. "Stop..." He intensely glares at him, furiously snarling, but that only seems to make him hotter, turning the Polish man on even more.

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