Child! Romano X Child! Reader: Kisses {Fluff} {Part One}

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THANK YOU KYA, FOR OFFERING TO KISS MY ANKLE BETTER! YOU ARE THE WHOLE REASON THIS IS HERE RIGHT NOW! Enjoy <3 (P.S, I have no clue what Roma's accent is, so just pretend he has one xD)


"Hiya Roma!" Giggling, you run quickly across the small field, to where the boy is sitting.

Said boy stands up quickly, blushing heavily.

"What do you want, stupid girl..."

You punch his arm playfully, a big smile on your face.

"That's mean Roma, you should be nice to ladies." Romano blushes even harder, making you giggle again as you grab his arm, dragging him towards the small playground a few feet away.

"Whatcha wanna play today? Pirates, house.... Oooh! Or maybe Roma can be a pretty princess and I can save him!"

The small Italians eyes widen, before he crosses his arms, a small pout on his face.

"Nuh uh! A guy can't be a princess! Stupid...."

Rolling your eyes, you pull the shorter boys arm, urging him to keep following you.

"Whatever, just choose a game!"

Romano smiles, a welcome change from the usual scowl or pout.


Your eyes glitter as you nod quickly.

"123 not it!" Poking the brunettes arm, you run away quickly.


Laughing, you run up the steps of a small play structure, shriek laughing as Roma follows you.

You stand by the edge of the slide, going down it quickly just as Romano was about to touch you.

The game goes on like that, Romano tagging you, and you tagging him back.

Panting heavily, huge smiles plastered on both of your faces, you stare down at Roma from the top of the play castle. Romano realized that he could easily trap you up there, and so now you can't get down without being tagged.

You stick your tongue out at the boy, before going down the slide, deciding to take the chance of getting tagged.

As you reach the end of the slide, you crash into Romano, laughing loudly as you fall to the rocky ground.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay? Your knee is scratched!" Your eyebrows furrow as you look down, just noticing the faint stinging.

"Oh... I am..." You wipe away the small bit of blood as Romano scoots closer to you, a blush covering his face. He looks away from you, a small scowl on his face.

"Can I.... kiss it better for you?" Cheeks flaring an even deeper red than his, you nod slowly, looking at the ground beside you.

You can hear him take a deep inhalation of breath, before leaning down and kissing your knee gently. He pulls away quickly, blushing really harder.

Your smile comes back to your face as you throw your arms around his neck, squeezing him tightly.

"Thank you Roma! I feel so much better now!"

Leaning in, you give his cheek a small, sweet kiss, before jumping up.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay Roma?" Without waiting for his answer, you skip away, humming happily.

Romano's mouth drops open as he watches you skip away, before he touches his burning cheek.

"See you tomorrow... stupid girl."


Sorry this was so fucking short... I'm gonna make this into a few parts, I just had a few idea's while writing the end for this so, be prepared for more Romano.

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