DenIce: Camera Flash {Lemon}

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Ouch... I just read a really sad DenIce Lemon, it involved Denmark training Ice to become Norway, but then Icey kind of snaps and DENMARK JUST... HE JUST LEAVES HIM! HE FUCKS HIM THEN LEAVES HIM! FUCK DAMNIT!


A hot blush rises in Iceland's cheeks, his violet eyes widening is confusion as he's blinded by a flash while walking into the kitchen.

The flash goes off again, and Emil finally processes what happened, yelling at a certain Danish man.

"What the hell Denmark! Put that damned camera away you ass!"

With a small scowl, he yanks the camera from the laughing blonde, setting it on the counter.

"It's rude to just take pictures of someone... don't do it." Shooting the still laughing man a small glare, he moves quickly to the fridge, digging around in it as he looks for something to eat.

"Awe, c'mon Icey! Ya' didn't seem to mind the camera last night."

Iceland's blush rises again and he freezes for a second, before continuing, acting as if the words hadn't affected him.

"Shut up. We're not talking about that."

Denmark chuckles, bouncing over to Iceland and pulling him into a hug, leaving the boy helpless and very, very flustered.

"Ya' know I love ya', right?" Matthias kisses Emil on the head, whispering those embarrassing words gently.

"Yes, I do! Can you please let me go now!?"

Grinning, Matthias tightens his grip on Emil, pulling him a bit closer.

"Do ya' love me too Icey?" He nuzzles his face affectionately into Emil's hair, holding the small blondes hips gently, yet firmly.

Emil doesn't answer, crossing his arms stubbornly.

"I have no clue what you're talking about. Why would I love you?" Scoffing, he wiggles in a weak attempt to get away, with no luck.

Pouting, Denmark turns Emil around gently, pinning his back to the fridge.

His gentle hands slide Emil's arms up, holding them above the blushing blondes head.

"You're so mean Ice!"

Chuckling lightly, Denmark leans down to leave a few feathery kisses against Iceland's neck, his knee slipping between the younger's shaking legs.

"D-Denmark, lemme go! Norway'll be home soon, an-nnngh...." A muffled moan interrupts his train of thought, cutting off the words from his mouth.

Denmark's knee grinds roughly against the crotch of his pants, making pleasure shoot through him as he slowly starts to harden.

"Norgie isn't coming home tonight... him and the other two 'magic' nerds are doing stuff..."

Iceland curses mentally, writhing a bit as Denmark puts more pressure on his growing bulge. After a brief debate with himself, Emil relaxes into Denmark's grip, moaning openly.

Matthias grins in triumph as he quickly pulls away from Emil, picking him up and placing him gently over his shoulder.

Iceland doesn't really react, used to Denmark doing this by now.

All he can really think about is... well, what he's knows is about to happen... about Denmark's cock pounding him roughly into the bed...

A soft gasp escapes his mouth as he's thrown onto a bed, laughing as bit as he bounces.

Denmark smiles brightly, quickly climbing over Iceland. His calloused hands slide gently up his ukes body, a sly grin on his lips as he slips his hands up Emil's shirt.

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