2p! Norway X Reader: Pyromania

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Yay! 2p! Norway is honestly my spirit animal, sooooooo HAVE SOME LOKI! I am also certain I spelled Pyromania wrong, whoops.


Eyes wide, you stare at the dancing flames in awe.

The woods around you seem to have dissapeared, the only thing left being the flickering, golden-orange fire.

Every part of you wants to reach out, touch the flames... but you're not dumb.

Touching the fire would suck. You tried it before, when you were five and it got you landed in a hospital, leaving a large scar up your right arm.

About sixteen years later, you burned your house down while visiting your parents over Christmas break... they're not around anymore...

That got you landed in intense therapy for what they called Pyromania... leading you to where you are now.

Tomorrow, you start group therapy with other Pyromaniac's...

Sighing deeply, you pull yourself out of your daze, reluctantly leaving the fire.

It's weird... you know fire's dangerous, you know better than to touch it... but lighting something on fire is pure bliss!

Watching something burn to the ground, charred and black... it's so fun!

You giggle a bit, breaking into a skip as you make your way back home.

Tomorrow will be a great day!


You saunter happily into the meeting room, looking around almost desperately.

You almost immediately feel your perky mood go down.

Nobody looks interesting... they're all plain.

Probably just people who like fire, and decided they needed classes because they're 'insane'.

Stupid people...

Clicking your tongue, you sit down in the nearest seat crossing your legs and leaning your chin into your palm.

And to think your were hoping for a cool person... and you still have to go through this dumb classes to be officially rehabilitated.

What a dumb thought process that is... rehabilitation. Do they honestly think that a fucking murderer's gonna stop murdering because he's, 'rehabilitated'?

Yeah fucking right.

A hand drops down on your shoulder, making you jump a bit.

"Sorry to bother you, but could you move? I usually sit here... so..."

You turn, going to see who interrupted your very important thoughts, shock shooting through you as your eyes connect with a very pretty red pair.

"Oh, of course!" You grin at the man, moving a seat over.

He smiles back at you, sliding into the now empty seat.

The way he carries himself... the glint in his eyes... he's the real deal! He's just like you!

You try desperately to contain your excitement, folding your hands over your knee.

The man's hand suddenly shoots out towards you, a lithe grin spreading across his face.

"Loki Bondevik. And you are?"

You grin back, taking his hand... it's very feminine, but there's a burn scar on the palm.

"(Y/n) (l/n). Very nice to meet your Mr. Bondevik!" Laughing, he slowly let's his hand drop back to his lap, his deep red eyes scanning your face.

"Please, Loki's fine... you wouldn't happen to be the (y/n) (l/n) who burned her parents house down on Christmas, would you?"

His head tilts to the right, his lips resting in a faint smirk.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

His eyes light up, and he moves a bit closer to you.

"I am honored to meet you! I followed your case. It was insanely intriguing!"

You giggle a bit, staring into his almost challenging gaze.

"I hope that's a compliment, Loki."

He laughs suddenly, pulling a red pen from his pocket and grabbing your hand.

He quickly scribbles a phone number, before handing you the pen and resting his hand against your knee.

Rolling your eyes, you write your own number on his hand.

As soon as the last number's written he plucks the pen from your fingers, shoving it back in his pocket.

"I hope we can see each other again soon. You know, outside of these classes."

You nod, turning to the front of the room as the counselor starts talking.

"Let's hope together then."

You can feel his mood grow, his smirk going with it.

He's such an interesting character... it'll be fun, starting some trouble with him, will it not?


I really like Loki... Anyways, I hope this didn't such!

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