Japan X Reader: Kpop Vs. Jpop {Fluff}

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Hahahahhahahahaha I'm not listening to Kpop right now, what? I TOTALLY wasn't thinking about how annoyed Japan would be with me for liking Kpop over Jpop, pshhhh... I don't even like Kpop, ha! What's Kpop? I CERTAINLY don't know. I only listen to JB (gag) and the Les Mis soundtrack....

The Les Mis part is kind of true tho. I fucking loved Les Misréables. It was a bomb movie.



Laughing, you tug your sneakers on as fast as possible, stumbling from the house. "What?! No way! You always get shotgun!"

Kiku's cry from the the hallway makes you laugh even louder, breaking into a run as he himself stumbles out of the house, tugging his jacket on with one hand and locking the door with the other.

"(Y/n)! You cheater!" You squeal as he starts chasing you, ignoring the looks from some passing people and running to the car. "No such thing as cheating! If you want shotgun, you gotta beat me there!" You giggle, scrambling to the passenger's side quickly and climbing in. You slam the door, cheering in victory.

You can hear Kiku's annoyed whine from outside the car, making you burst into another fit of laughter, leaning back in your seat.

Pouting, Kiku pulls the driver door open, face lightly flushed from running as he plops into the seat, leaning over to you.

You smile, leaning a bit closer so your lips graze one anothers. He blushes, his cheeks deepening in colour, but he doesn't move away. "You really suck (y/n)..."

Snorting, you wrap your arms around his neck, (e/c) eyes locked on his deep brown one's. "I also swallow, but you knew that already."

Kiku's blush deepens even more, but a small grin graces his perfect, almost delicate features. "Just shut up already..." His lips collide with yours, kissing you gently. Even after so many years, he's still so shy while kissing you, never going too far... unless it's a special situation.

You kiss back, enjoying the tender moment. They don't tend to happen too often. Neither of you really enjoy physical contact. That's probably why you've been together for so long, you can both have a healthy relationship without clinging, or copious amounts of touching, or sex every night.

Pulling slowly from the kiss, you smile at him, your fingers intertwining lovingly with his.

"I love you, dork." Nuzzling him affectionately, you giggle lightly. He kisses the top of your head gently, a faint smile spread over his lips. "I love you too, idiot."

Sighing, he pulls out of the hug, one of his hands still holding yours as he sits back in seat, shutting the door and buckling his seat belt. "So, what are you going to make me listen to today? All the Eurovision entry's from the past ten years again? Or is it a Metal day?"

Laughing happily, you buckle your own seat belt. "Actually, neither."

He feins surprise, starting the car up and pulling out of the driveway as he talks. "Oh really? So, rap? No... your sad music?"

You shake your head, plugging the auxiliary cord into your phone.

"Nope. We're listening to Kpop today." Kiku raises an eyebrow, glancing at you from the corner of his eye. "Really? Why Kpop, I mean, Jpop is a lot better... geez, even Cpop is better!"

You shoot the dark haired man a small glare, sticking your tongue out at him. "No way, Kpop is the best! You're just being biased, Mr. Japanese-Dude."

He snorts, rolling his eyes as you turn your music up. "Am not! I just know good music when I hear it." Pouting, you give him a gentle punch on the shoulder.

"Jerk! Kpop stars are amazing singers, who write great music! Don't be rude!" Kiku laughs lightly at your offense, shaking his head.

"Hey, I'm just saying! Jpop is so muc-" You cut him off, clamping your hands over your ears and screeching a very pterodactyl like screech.

"Not listeniiiiiing! CINDERELLA! BABY, DRIVE ME CRAZY!" You screech out random lyrics of a song, making, Kiku laugh again.

"(Y/n), you're rea-"

"I AM A GOOD BOY! SHADADADADA!" Kiku winces, holding back another laugh. "(Y/n), ple-" "WOW, FANTASTIC BABY!"

Sighing, Kiku runs a hand through his hair, eyes flashing in amusement.


"I mean, you are, bu-" You screech again, making Kiku sigh. Again.


"(Y/n), pls st-"


He groans, slouching into the drivers seat as the car continues down the road.

"Jesus chr-"

"ALL YOU NEED IS ME, I'M YO TOY! I'M YO TOY!" Grinning, you stick your tongue out at him, continuing your pterodactyl singing.


Kiku's hand suddenly slaps over your mouth, stopping your obnoxious singing. "Geez, I get it! Kpop is wonderful, now can you hush up?"

Giggling, you nod and Kiku slowly takes his hand from your mouth.

"I win~" You hum, laying your head on Kiku's shoulder and staring out at the road.

There's silence for a few moments as you lean forewards, turning your music up. Kiku smirks a bit, clearly recognizing the song that's playing. He shrugs you off his shoulder, looking straight into your eyes.

"I hate you! Hate! No! No! I don't need you! Hate! No!" You both burst into laughter, Kiku grinning rather brightly as he pulls you against his shoulder again, an arm draped carefully over your shoulders.

Comfortable silence falls over you both again, Kiku grinning happily, calm eyes scanning the road. The song switches to Toy. You hum gently, kissing the man's shoulder.

"Hey Kiku?" His gaze flickers to you for a few moments, before he nods. "Hmm?"

You nuzzle him, eyes glittering softly.

"Everything I do is for you... I'm your toy." You nod matter of factly, hugging his arm gently.

He snorts, rolling his eyes. He knows you mean it, but it still doesnt stop the fact that it's stupid. Yes, you're serious... you'd do anything for Kiku, and he knows it... just like he'd do anything for you.

"Yeah yeah... I love you, idiot." He hums affectionately, a deep sigh escaping him.

"And I love you, dork~"


MUCH GAY! I LIKE THIS ONE! Anyways, hope you enjoyed Sassy-pan being a little sweety! And you being... well, me. I actually act like that, sooooo xD Lmao

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