Cheater!America X Reader: D.T.M {Angst}

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MY FIRST SONGFIC IN HERE! ENJOY YOU POTATO BASTARDS! Don't lie to me, you fucking love potatoes.


Song: D.T.M by Simon Curtis


Eighteen years, faced all of our fears,
We took on the world together,
I caught all of your tears,
You told me back then that our love would never end,
But you lied.


The best way to describe you.

The proof, you've been with the same guy since ninth grade. The loud, hyperactive, Alfred Jones. It's been four years as of today.

You've just received one of the worst... or maybe the best, depending on how you look at it, anniversary gifts.

More proof.

Proof that your 'loving boyfriend' has been cheating on you for the past year.

Hold me, like you did before,
Console me, like we never went to war,
You throw me, and my heart onto the floor,
I died.

After all you've done for him!

You loved him, protected him, stood by him in his every decision! You even helped him pay for his college!

Four years, all down the drain because of only a few pictures. Yes, it's sad, but you're not staying with an unfaithful man!

You're not going to listen to any excuses, you're just going to tell him it's over, and walk out. Your whole life, your father stayed with your cheating mother, and you're not going to end up like that.

Alfred will run the day he thought he could get away with cheating on you!

Unfaithful bastard!

Now you're,
Dead to me, you're dead to me, you're dead to me,
You're dead to me , you're
Dead to me

The front door opens, Alfred calling out a sweet sounding 'Honey! I'm home!' And laughing to himself.

Gritting your teeth, you grab you bags and storm past him, making him look at you in confusion.

"I'll be sending for the rest of my stuff in a few days."

His brow furrows as he follows you to your car.

"What? Is this a joke or..."

You can't help the bitter laugh that escapes your throat as you shove your bags into the trunk. Turning to face Alfred, you pull your phone out, messing up your password a few times out of rage and sadness. As soon as it's unlocked, you shove the phone towards him.

His eyes widen and he shifts his weight, suddenly looking very uncomfortable. The picture; him kissing another woman, hands tangled in her hair.

"You're a cheater, Alfie. I'm not going to stay with someone like you."

Shrugging, you push back the tears stinging your eyes, making sure you don't show anything except for your anger towards him.

You climb into your car, rolling you eyes as Alfred stops the door from closing.

"(Y/n)! I swear I ca-"

"What Alfred! You can explain?! Well guess what, I've heard it all before! It was an accident, you swear that it'll never happen again! Well guess the fuck what? That's bullshit! I'm gonna explain something to you! Unfaithful fucks like you never stop, and never will... I hate you Alfred Jones, you're dead to me.

How you've turned,
Yeah you watched me burn,
You threw me in the fire and you weren't concerned
You told me it was love,
I would always be enough,
You lied.

Smiling, you sit down at the table, Ivan pulling the seat out for you.

Right after your break up, you made sure all signs of Alfred were gone. Deleted all pictures of him, made sure your friends took down the photos of you two together, off any of their social media, and you started brand new accounts on everything.

Everything you two had ever bonded over, gone in an hour.

You were depressed for three months... then you met Ivan. He's sweet, kind of clingy, and simply adorable! Even though it's only been a month or two you've been dating... you might be able to say that... maybe, just maybe, you're in love again.

You can't help but smile as you watch him walk away.

The sweetheart's going to get lunch, and refused to make you stand in the long line up.


The voice is familiar, and shaking slightly.

You turn in your seat, staring wide eyed at Alfred.

You soon feel anger surge through you, making your fists clench by your sides.

"Oh. Hi Alfred."

He wince's at your cold tone of voice, eyes moving to the ground out of pure guilt and reflexes.

"(Y/n)... I'm really sorry! I didn't mean t-... it doesn't matter... I'm just, really, really, sorry."

He is... you can tell by his solemn tone of voice, and by the way he's completely refusing to look at you, hands clasped in front of him.

"If you want me to say I forgive you... well, I can't. You're not forgiven, and you never will be. You knew my history with unfaithful significant others, and yet you still cheated. I told you already. You're dead to me."

Alfred's eyes tear up a bit as he nods, backing away a few steps before turning and walking away. With any luck, this is the last time you'll have to see him. Hopefully, you can be free from his memory, as if he truly is dead.

Baby, one day you'll come around,
But baby, I'll be nowhere to be found,
Betrayed me, now baby in my eyes,
You've died.

Standing alone in his room, Alfred stares at the rope swinging back and forth invitingly, beckoning him to do it.

He really hadn't mean to cheat... it was an accident, and he'll regret it to his very last breath.

Tears pour down his face as he steps forewards... maybe he would be better off dead... not just to (y/n), but to the whole world. His hand grazes the rough rope, before he sighs loudly, pulling it down.

No. He's fine, as long as she's happy. He might me dead to her, but she'll forever be alive in his heart.

You're dead to me.


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2p! China X Reader: I Hate U

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