Prussia X Germany: Rammstein {Fluff}

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Because I really like Rammstein, and I got a really funny mental image when I thought of the brothers listening to them. I'm pretty sure the songs I mentioned arent from the same album, but still. Enjooooy~



Prussia can pretty much feel his baby brothers annoyance from the upstairs, making him chuckle happily.

He's finally having a day with his brother! Not completely alone... but still! He gets to be with his little brother!

Ludwig strides quickly down the stairs, a look of pure annoyance on his face.

"Feli von't answer his phone."

Rolling his eyes, Gil sighs dramatically and throws an arm over his brothers shoulders.

"He'll be zhere. Let's just GO! I'm driving!"

Without waiting for Ludwig's answer, he grabs his towel and runs out to his car, climbing in the driver's side.

He can pretty much hear the internal sighing from his brother, who finally walks out of the house... still looking super upset.

Gilbert frowns, begining to feel bad for him. He knows his brother loves the Italian boy, even though he himself doesn't really realize it.

As soon as Ludwig climbs into the car, Gilbert starts making a plan to make him happy... with not a lot of luck.

The first ten minutes of driving were awkwardly quiet.

"Aren't jou happy to be spending zhe day vith jour awesome bruder!?"

Grinning wildly, he glances at Ludwig. He frowns again when he notices his brothers only response is a small grunt and a sigh.

Pouting, Gilbert sits back in his seat.

What is the best way to lift somebody's spirits?

An idea pops into Prussia's head, making him grin happily.

He fumbles around in his dash (almost running another vehicle off the road), before pulling out a C.D.

Humming with pride, he pushes the C.D. into then player, turning it up as high as it'll go.

The best way to lift someone's spirits? Fucking rock! Even better than just rock? Fucking German rock!

Ludwig purses his lips as Rammstein starts blasting through the speakers.

"Really Gil?"

Snickering, Gilbert nods, lip syncing to the words of Tier, while Ludwig shakes his head, pretending to be annoyed.

"Ja bro! Jou know jou vant to sing!"

Germany can't help but smile while looking at Prussia. The idiot is headbanging and 'drumming' on the steering wheel.

For the older brother, he's definitely immature.

Besides, it's not like he can ever tell Gilbert that he's kind of fun to be with... especially when there's more important things than fun.

"Come on Luddy! You know the song!

Within a few seconds, Ludwig went from trying to keep a straight face, to grinning openly, muttering the song under his breath.

Speaking of muttering....

The next song to play was, obviously, Mutter.

Gil, who knows, like, all Rammstein songs by heart, starts singing with more passion then needed, laughing happily as Ludwig joins in, grin almost identical to his brothers.

They definitely have certain things in common.

With their loud singing, the fact that the windows are down, and the music turned full blast... well, they're getting a few odd looks, but for once, they don't really care.

Gilbert's just happy that he gets to spend quality time with his brother amd... well, Ludwig is happy for the same reason.

Gilbert let's out an almost girly screech as one of the most well known songs, and one of his personal favorites, starts playing.

Naturally, Du Hast.

Laughing, Ludwig, smiles brightly at his 'big brother' for the first time in years, making the olders heart flutter with happiness.

The two barely notice the fact that they're sitting in the parking lot to the beach, scream singing and headbanging.

There's a knock on the half opened window, making the brothers jump. Gilbert quickly turns down the music. Feliciano, Romano, Spain and Japan are standing outside the Ludwig's side of the car, looking insanely uncomfortable.

Ludwig turns bright red, groaning in embarrassment and hiding his face in his hands.

Gilbert chuckles, waving to their friends, giving Ludwig a sly wink.

"Jou just got caught geeking out, bruder."

Germany glares at Prussia, before scurrying out of the car.

Prussia watches, grin fading away as his brother pretends the whole drive didn't happen, walking away with his little Italian clinging to him.

Sighing, Prussia pulls the key from the ignition, staring after his brother with a grim look on his face.

"Brotherly love..."


That didn't go the way I planned... Oh well, I tried.

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