NorIce: Snapchat Is A Death Sentance {Lemon}

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Lmao, I'm sorry... I just have to... this is a necessity. I must make all shippings with my bby Ice have smut. So, I still need to make Turkey, Hong Kong and America fuck my child. Yes, I ship TurkIce, and yes I ship AmeIce (a very unknown OTP from what I've seen). Be prepared for my son being a Lil hoe.


Lukas' blank eyes stare straight ahead, unmoving as they watch the tall german man. He seems attentive, like he's listening to the meeting, but he's not. He's lost inside his head, trying desperately not to check his phone.

He's felt it vibrate a few times now, and knowing the very needy state Emil was in when he left the hotel room... it probably wouldn't be smart to pull out that stupid phone Matthais makes him carry.

But at the same time... he's curious...

Like, what if Emil needs something, or hurt himself?

He'd be a terrible big brother if he didn't help... but he'd be a terrible nation if his instincts are right... because if he's right, once he checks that damned phone, there is no way he'll be able to pokerface his way through the next hour of the meeting.

The phone buzzes in his pocket again, making Lukas grit his teeth, fists clenching under the table.

He has got to stay strong... work is more important. Pay attention to the work, not Emil... especially not how Emil had touched him this morning, stroking and kissing, biting and grinding....


Lukas grits his teeth a little harder, shifting as fantaises of his little brother mewling and fucking himself with the toy's he'd bought him float through the annoyed blondes head.

More buzzing, except this time, Matthias leans over.

"Y'know... if ya' don't answer those messages, imma do it for ya'. An' I'm sure ya' don't want me reading 'bout how badly ya' wanna fuck Emil, 'cause I already know that's what imma find."

Matthias grins cockily, staring Lukas down.

Lukas stays blank faced, ignoring the smug Dane as he slowly pulls the phone from his pocket.

It's multiple Snapchat messages... all of them pictures.

He hesitates for a moment, before the sharp look Matthias gives him makes him continue on, unlocking the phone.

With a deep breath, he clicks on his Snapchat notifications. He already knows he's gonna regret this.

Annnnnnd he's right.

The first picture is mostly fine, just a very blushy, very angry looking Emil glaring at the camera. The text on the picture simply says 'Come back, now'.

The next one is a bit harder to look at straight faced.

Emil's pouting, very obviously lying down. His eyes are dark with lust and half lidded. The stupid, demon text reads 'Big brother... please...'

Shifting uncomfortably, Lukas waits for the picture to switch, his eyes wide.

He ignores the smirking Danish asshole, staring at the new picture in slight awe.

His baby brother's biting his lip, his back arched up just slightly from the bed sheets. The photo ends at his hip bones, cutting off what Lukas wants to see... but it's still gorgeous. Even with the shaky camera and terrible hotel lighting.

Gritting his teeth, he watches the next teasing picture pop up.

Emil's perfect face is curled up in pleasure, one hand down out of view. 'Hurry up... dunno how long I can wait.'

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