2p! England X Reader: Take A Chance

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More Ollie! I love my innocent little murderer.

Me and my dad are watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and omfg, he still remembers the whole thing, even, like 10 years later! It's awesome!


Humming lightly, you pull your boots on, tying them tightly. Smiling brightly, you turn to Oliver, throwing your arms around his neck.

"Reading to go?" He grins happily at you, kissing you once before nodding.

"Been waiting on you poppet." 

Rolling your eyes, you grab his hand and skip out of the house. He laughs a bit at your obvious excitement, gripping your hand tightly.

You truly are beautiful when you're happy...

"Did you remember everything, poppet?"

Smile growing wider, you nod proudly and nuzzle his shoulder.

"Of course I did Ollie! And anyways, you have the poison... just in case.

He hums a small agreement, leaning his head on yours. His smooth fingers that are interlocked with yours relax, and a peaceful sigh escapes his lips.

"I'm so lucky I found you poppet." You 'Awe!' rather loudly, squeezing his hand in affection.

"You're the sweetest thing Ollie! If anyone's lucky, it's me!" You two smile at each other, sharing a quick kiss before hurrying to the party.

People really should learn not to do Facebook invites!


Arriving at the party, Oliver's adorable nose wrinkles in disgust, eyes scanning the boisterous croud.

"Teenagers really are the worst." Voice heavily laced with distaste, he barely flinches as a bright red cup flies by his head. "Well then, shall we poppet?"

The large amounts of distaste and hatred are quickly replaced with a mischievous smirk and a charming wink.

You grin, kissing his cheek.

"We shall!" Without waiting another second, the both of you walk quickly into the house... it's much too loud, and for it only being 9pm, the obnoxious children are much too drunk.

Why aren't parents ever involved in making sure the idiotic children don't do dumb shit, like trash their house? God knows you and Ollie won't let your kids run wild!

Anyways, you two somehow manage to spike most of the drinks with the poison, and by then, the students that hadn't been drunk are just as bad as the ones who were when you'd arrived.

You reach down, pulling out the thin blade you'd hidden in the side of your boot.

Grabbing the closest student to you, a tiny blonde girl, you can't help but smirk a bit. She makes a small sound of confusion before you slash her throat.

As her blood spurts out, spraying everywhere, the teens slowly fall quiet, the only sounds being the steady thru of music and the little blonde choking and gurgling as blood fills her lungs.

The first scream rings out, and within seconds, it's complete and utter chaos.

Oliver cackles, eyes lighting up as he flicks his own knife from his sleeve.

He gives you a wild grin, before he lunges towards his own victim, grabbing a handful of the boys hair and tearing into his stomach.

A loud screech filling the air, joy fills your heart as the boys guts tumble from his body.

The blood fest goes on, stabbing, tearing, slashing, all in a matter of seconds.

The first person reaches the door, whipping it open, but then the poison clicks in.

She stops in her tracks, body seizing and spasms wracking her. Thick beige foam and blood starts pouring from her mouth, drizzling down her chin.

She drops to the floor, dead.

You can hear the people outside. They're dying too.

Giggling, you grab one of the last few people, slamming the blade into his spine, twisting it violently.

The boy falls to the ground, screaming in pain. You stare down at him, a twisted smirk on your face.

Oliver jolts you out of your daze, his bloody hands wrapping around your waist.

"He's the last one. Finish him off poppet."

Humming, you kiss him gently. You lean down over the whimpering, snot nosed brat.

"Nighty night darling!"

You sigh in exhilaration, stabbing the boy in the jugular.

His blood sprays over you, making you laugh wildly, head thrown back.

As he bleeds out, you push yourself up, eyes flashing dangerously.

Chuckling happily, Oliver hugs you again, pressing his face to your neck.

"Oh for the love of baking, you're amazing..." Kissing your neck, he grips your hips, holding you tightly to him.

You laugh at his choice of cussing, turning in his arms. A soft sigh leaving you mouth, you stroke his face gently, leaving a smear of blood on him.

A new song starts, a pretty, slow one. Oliver's eyes soften, and he twirls you around.

"Come on poppet! Let's dance!"

You click your tongue, but you naturally give in, letting him spin you again before pulling you close to him, one bloodied hand holding your own, the other resting on you waist.

"Jeez Ollie, someone had to have heard the noise. We should probably be going, you know, before somebody finds us."

He laughs lightly, spinning around with you in tune to the music. Your heart beats a bit faster at the sweet, gentle smile he gives you.

"Just take a chance love! Let's have a bit more fun!"

Laughing, you give in, moving with him. He grins a bit more, holding you closer.

The dance stays slow and steady, stepping over the bodies on the ground as you go, spinning in lazy circles.

The song starts slowing down as it nears it's end.

As the last chord thrums, Oliver pulls you into a kiss, hands moving to your hair, gripping it's lengths.

Leaning up into him, you kiss him harder, holding his face.

A loud siren blast breaks the moment, and you and Oliver run quickly from the house and into the forest in the back.

You give him a large smile, containing your laughter as you run as quietly as possible into the forest.



I hope you enjoyed! If you have any requests, ask me.

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